A new original series co-produced by SinoVision's Chinese and English Channels, 'My Town, Chinatown' is the first of its kind to document the future of Chinatown through the lens of those reclaiming the right to shape its fate. Hear the stories, and be inspired by the minds of the young Chinese-American entrepreneurs who are choosing to carry on their family traditions, regenerate the livelihood of the community, and take back their town. The series is brought to you by Chase.
Wilson Tang
Wilson Tang is the 2nd generation owner of Nom Wah Tea Parlor, the oldest dim sum spot in New York's Chinatown.
Nom Wah Tea Parlor - NY's Oldest Dim Sum Spot
Though kept away from Chinatown and the restaurant industry by his parents, Wilson Tang went against the grain to make Nom Wah the most popular dim sum place in New York City. Several years after Wilson Tang took over the restaurant from his uncle, Wally, he decided to expand the Nom Wah brand. In March 2015, Nom Wah opened its Philadelphia location at the edge of the city’s Chinatown. Following this initial expansion, Nom Wah opened its first fast-casual dining spot in 2016: Nom Wah Nolita, where new creations feature alongside classic items from the original Nom Wah Tea Parlor. Transcending its roots, the brand's latest venture looks to combine the traditional with modernity.

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