2016 China-US Year of Tourism中国国家旅游局主办的国宴级别晚餐中美旅游年庆典"I 2016, To Welcome to China! Welcome 参与者必须为美国护照持有者。 The 07:30 08:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:30 中文关键词:指定地点接送、长城文化活动、午餐便餐、国家旅游局主办的国宴级别晚餐 1. 2. 3. 4. Besides the above event, we have other tour programs for
*Tailor-made For Susan Office: Email: susan@LLLtravel.com WeChat:smf709504 QQ:1193118780 Ashton James Eaton
Jinshanling Great Wall 1) 2) 3) |