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罗渊华 //www.sinovision.net/?99239 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 宁愿为思想而死去,不愿为凡俗而裸奔!


美国总统大选,迟到的选票不应统计计入,即便受新冠肺炎病毒影响,否则投票可以投到明年,甚至投票到后年,这个票可以一直投下去,如果这样,特朗普可以一直延迟任期。 ...
2020-11-17 00:08 回复|
In the US presidential election, late votes should not be counted, even if affected by COVID-19 virus, otherwise the vote can be cast next year, or even the year after the vote, the vote can be cast f ...
2020-11-17 00:06 回复|
The responsibility for the failure of the United States to fight the epidemic lies not in Trump and his administration, but in the American cultural and technological circles’ lack of knowledge of th ...
2020-11-4 06:15 回复|
约翰·霍普金斯报告称,在全国范围内,有510万人确诊,超过16.5万人死亡。[cp]孤立的美国如同当年英国没落一样,自以为是却无能为力的美国,消灭不了他们口中的“中国病毒”。实际上,美国应停止妖魔化中国,抹黑中 ...
2020-8-12 23:13 回复|
很少有任职后期的美国总统介入下一届总统大选中去。为什么奥巴马这么帮希拉里,因为希拉里是伊斯兰国之母 ,奥巴马是伊斯兰国之父。   
2016-7-31 02:37 回复|
Mrs Clinton cannot compare with the trump.
2016-7-12 02:39 回复|
美国海军航母等战舰到南海耀武扬威 习近平在七一建党节95周年讲话时一脸阴霾
2016-7-12 02:27 回复|
2012-7-28 02:50 回复|

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