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LastingMemory //www.sinovision.net/?88819 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 61754 人来访过

  • 好友: 31
  • 主题: 1
  • 博文: 20
  • 相册: 20
  • 分享: 31
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  • 誰知道JYC0是哪號高人?好百痴哦,什麽十字架,佛這個佛那個。又不認識你,為啥每天給我發給我個人信息。連做人基本道理都不懂,乾脆出家算了。不要煩人費時 ... 回复
  • 真实姓名Lucas Huang
  • 性别
  • 生日1975 年 12 月 24 日
  • 学历本科
  • 公司www.lucashuangphotography.com
  • 职业Professional Photographer
  • 职位CEO
  • 个人主页please go to www.lucashuangphotography.com


新的一天 New Memory 2012-11-03
I had the chance to meet my friend Arisa again to take photos that in nature theme. it was a pretty good day. for full album please check ...
冷漠無情 (In the Rain) 2012-06-27
Jessica and I know each others for a while, and although we talked about doing a photoshoot it took us a long while to actually get together and make ...
愛爾蘭的魅力 Rockin to the beats of 60's 2012-06-06
It has been a while since I met her in one of the fashion events that I attended. Finally we had the shoot don ...
[實質高雅日本女子] Easy Breazy Japanesy 2012-05-21
I always want to check out Fort Tyron and after visted there once for sight seeing, decide to bring Yayoi there since she really want to get photos ta ...
西村調調 In the Mood for Latte 2012-05-16
I had chance to work with Katherine for this set of photos. It was a nice walk in the west village. for full album http://blog.sinovision.net/home.ph ...
Central Park Conservatory Garden 2012-05-14
I accidentally went into Central Park's Conservatory garden yesterday and the garden is really pretty. ...


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LastingMemory 2012-6-1 15:50
are you stupid? i didn't ask for your opinion
国际盲流 2012-3-8 16:05
LastingMemory: I don't know how to yet. soon
国际盲流 2012-3-8 16:03
LastingMemory: I don't know how to yet. soon
国际盲流 2012-3-8 14:24
国际盲流 2011-9-9 13:40

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