分享 餐馆里的“7 Habits” H3 Put the First Things First
水香 2011-10-6 11:54
Habit 3 Put the First Things First The Habit of Integrity and Execution Habit 3 is part of our private victory as we move from dependence to independence. Habit 3 is the habit of action and honesty . Once we recognize that we have the freedom to choose (Habit 1) and where we want to go an ...
2338 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 餐馆里的“7 Habits” H2:Begin with the End in Mind
水香 2011-9-23 11:31
Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind We often live our life without much vision of where we are going. We become more effective leaders if we have a vision, a clear picture of where we’re going. It is called Begin with the End in Mind . Habit 2 is the habit of Vision . Once we recognize ...
2875 次阅读|5 个评论
分享 餐馆里的“7 Habits”--- H1 :Be Proactive
水香 2011-9-15 11:12
Habit 1 ---The Habit of Choice --- Be Proactive Proactive means that you have freedom to choose how you respond to every situation. Habit 1 is part of our private victory as you move from dependence to independence. As a Manager of yourself , you are beginning to make better ...
3621 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 餐馆里的“7 Habits” --- 基础知识
水香 2011-9-14 12:07
  Habit=   Knowledge (what to do) + Skill (how to do) +   Desire (motivation to do) Effectiveness is the balance between the goose and the golden egg. It is the over time result. It’s sustained superior’s performance. Effectiveness begins DEEP WI ...
2341 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 What is the best thing happened to you today ?
水香 2011-9-2 12:26
What is the best thing happened to you today?       09/01/2011 四 每个月的一号是做帐日,忙完 Lunch 后我赶紧先把现金帐兜出来:总营业额 - 总信用卡 + 信用卡小费 - 收回礼卷 + 现金小费 + 员工买货 - 给出小费 - 现金报销 = 现金收入。 ...
2162 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 蒙古女企台木其
水香 2011-8-28 10:22
蒙古女企台木其     08/28/11 日 本以为我戒写了。可木其最近的生活实在是太戏剧化了,让我几次有提笔的冲动,今天终于开戒了。 木其的父亲曾是蒙古驻日本大使,她高中时曾随父母在日本 Off And On 住了两年,会听读写看日文,还懂俄语,加上英语和蒙语,她会四国语言,我曾跟她开玩笑: ...
3169 次阅读|4 个评论

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