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餐馆里的“7 Habits” H2:Begin with the End in Mind

已有 2875 次阅读2011-9-23 11:31 |系统分类:女性世界分享到微信

Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mind

We often live our life without much vision of where we are going. We become more effective leaders if we have a vision, a clear picture of where we’re going. It is called Begin with the End in Mind.

Habit 2 is the habit of Vision. Once we recognize that we have the freedom to choose (Habit 1), we get to decide where we want to go and do (Habit 2)!

To Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day or task with a clear understanding of where you are going.

. A Mediocre Manger has the Paradigm: I follow the agenda set by others.

. A Effective Manager has the Paradigm: I have a clear vision of what I want to accomplish as a Manager.

Our Vision Shapes Our Future

The most effective Managers shape their own future. Instead of letting other people or circumstances determine their destiny, the mentally plan and then physically create their own positive results. What they have in mind shapes their future. THEY BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND.

Define the Unique Contribution You Want to Make

One way to begin writing your Mission Statement is to first develop a Contribution Statement

. This is the beginning of personal leadership in the workplace.

. It determines the biggest contribution you want to make.

“Tributes”---Think about the most effective, influential Leader you have known. What would you like them to know about their leadership? Write a tribute statement to this person.

Once you can decide what you are about and what you treasure, you’ve automatically got guidelines. You’ve developed the criteria for making all the decisions in your life.

Someday you will leave the management role you are in now. Write the tributes you would like to receive from people around you.

What great contribution have you made in past roles?

What is the job that needs to be done now?

What talents do you have that can help you make a contribution?

What would make your leadership role more meaning to you?

故事1:我的上司E 在公司做了十年,是公司在本州的原老,她的走让很多人都很难过,欢送会上本州几乎所有分店的经理都来了。当HR的人打电话告诉我时,我还不敢相信。HR的人问我有没有与E的合影,所有人都知道我与E关系很好。我想了半天,还真没有,就即兴地写了一首打油诗发给HR,被主持人(HR)放在投影仪里公布于众。

An Everlasting Photo in My Mind------To E

When I first joined in Panda,

Your were my MUM(muti unit mananger),

I always called you my MOM,

Although you are much younger than me.

You led me from a Panda infant to elementary school,

You were the reason why I could stay in Panda.

Then you became my ACO (Area Coach of Operartion).

I told you “too bad so sad, I couldn’t call you MOM any more,

But I was so so so happy for UUUUUUU.”

When you first told me you were leaving,

I thought it was just your thinking, not your decision.

I have been dreaming your changing mind.

Now the fact is unchangeable and

I become very emotional.

All my past 2 ½ year Panda GM life

Flashes like a movie in my mind

With my eyes full of tears.

We have totally different characters:

Yours is soft like Pacific Ocean while

mine is hard like Rocky Mountain .

But they are perfect Ying and Yang.

Your walk-to-talk leadership shows me

To be a human being first

Then to do the business.

You are a really servant leader model.

You might not have a degree in college,

But you are a post-Doc in Panda.

Because your 10-year Panda experience

Makes you bigger than most problems

So that a big problem to me is no problem to you.

We used to cry together:

Cried for the understood and misunderstood,

Cried for the fairness and unfairness,

Cried for the success after a warrior’s hardworking,

Cried for the failure after a mistake.

I’ve never got a picture of yours

But your calm attitude when frustrated

Your tender eyes when offended

Your soft voice when angry

Your smiling face when satisfied

Always last in my programmed brain.

I feel like a child being abandoned by a MOM

Because I know this time I totally lose my Panda mental backup.

But I am happy for you if you think it’s good for your own real daughter.

And it’s time for me to grow totally independently.


Email 1:公司质检部门 发给我的总上司N:

 Since Purchasing set up the Hibachi Sans with the sliced and butterflyed leg meats and sliced chicken breast in our distribution centers most of the stores are buying the product, however some are not.   Our contracts require that we need to be buying product through our approved distribution system if they are carrying it.

Email 2 :N 发给我:
Hope all is well. I just wanted to send a short note to remind you that local chicken vendors are no longer approved by Q/A, and also due to contractual constrains with SYGMA we can not continue purchasing directly from local vendors. Please start ordering from SYGMA, and don’t forget to plan for the thawing time.

Email3 :我回复N:

Hi N,

 We ordered 20 cases of the new frozen chicken legs from Vistar a couple months ago. But we stopped ordering because :

1. the quality of the frozen chicken is not as good as the fresh one;

2. to be able to defrozen in time, we need one extra shelf for the rotating defrozening and 20 s/s containers (each cost about $40) but we do not have enough room for the extra shelf in the walk-in cooler.

3. Vistar would charge us $55/case for frozen chicken ( I called them for the price.)  while the local vendor (Shamrock) charge us only $41/case for the fresh one.

 There is no problem for us to order the frozen one from Vistar as long as we could get the product delivered on time  and correctly and as long as we have enough time to defrozen. Otherwise it will be very hard for us to keep the sales 7% over budget( which is our team goal now) because our sales life is depending on Teriyaki Chicken and Spicy Honey Chicken.


Email 4:N 回复我:

Hope all is well. Nice performance in P-9. Keep up the good work.


  1. Can you please be more articulate about the quality? What exactly is wrong with the quality?
  2. If we need to buy extra shelves and containers, please go ahead. That is cost of doing business. We are doing the same thing at restaurant #41 with $1,400,000 annual sales. I will ask Sean to take a picture of his reconfigured walk-in and send it to you.
  3. You can also order 3 deliveries a week from Vistar. As long as you total order is 399 or more boxes per week you will not concur an additional delivery charge.
  4. The price of chicken is going down and within the next two weeks it will be around $37 plus shipment. We had to negotiate and contract current prices back when the price of chicken was much higher. Unfortunately because some of our restaurants decided not to order it from the approved vendors we still have a two weeks inventory of the high priced chicken.
  5. I apologize if the product was not delivered to you on a timely manner or the wrong product was delivered to your restaurant. I will work with Rif and Russ to correct the problem.
  6. We have over 800 PX restaurants, which use frozen chicken with much higher sales volumes than HS restaurants, with a lot more produce and grocery items that take a lot more space of the walk-ins. If we have mastered those operations, is there any reason we shouldn’t do the same in our Hibachi-San restaurants?
  7. I appreciate your excellent efforts in sales building and even more I appreciate your passion and ownership mentality, but just imagine if we have a case of food born illness outbreak; what kind of damage we will obtain for PRG?
  8. Consequently, I ask for your leadership and suggest being proactive and beginning with the end in mind. Please do not take short cuts that may hurt the company in the future.


Please give me a call if you have any questions,



Email 5:我回复N:

Hi N,

Thank you for your e-mail. As a GM in HS, I would like to obey your leadership 100 percent. But I have some thoughts in my mind:

 1. The fresh chicken is more juicy than the frozen one.

 2, #41 uses diced chicken while #36 uses chicken legs. The GM before me (Carol) tried to use the frozen one three years ago because it was much cheaper than the fresh one. However when it was defrozen, the  outside pieces in the bag already stink while the inside pieces were still frozen, which made her throw away all the chicken.

 3. There is no way for us to order 399 cases in one week.

 4. How much the shipment fee per case? In Q1, #36 was high achiever in sales. However, we could not even beat the budget on CP because of the high price on Chicken. In Q2 and Q3 while the price was down to about $40/case, we beat CP a lot.

 5. Vistar normally delivers on time. If not so, Nora is a very responsible person. She would deliver herself sometimes. 

6. PX does only use dices chicken. Also it's not PX's primary product.  767 has almost double sales as 36, they only use 10 cases of dices chicken  a week ( I just checked with Crystal, GM of 767) while we need about 50 cases of chicken legs (much bigger pieces)  a week.

 7. Shamrock is a huge company in Colorado . It has 2000 employees, over 100 trucks and 130 salesmen. It is contractor with all Burger King in Colorado , Air Force, P.F. Chang, and Qudoba. It hold food show annually in Denver Merchandize Mart. There is no reason for Shamrock to neglect the quality of the goods.

8. I love to work in Panda because: a.  I have passion in Chinese food business: I've been USA for 12 years and 9 of the 12 was in  Chinese restaurant business (the other 3 was a banker);

                                                    b. I like to work for big company because it has a good operation system, training system and support system. It make me feel the thing I'm doing is not just a job, it is a career. I can grow with the company.

Running HS needs highly positive attitude. When I first took over the store, I felt like "step-san" : our sales was away less than PX, our QSC score was lower, EverClean was lower... Nothing could beat PX. It was hard for me to let my team have sense of honor. And when people don't feel good about what they are doing, it's hard for them to do well.

 Thanks for you to be HS leader. Because we have "Honor Board" (the first three stores in sales, COG, labor and CP) now, I could encourage my team to be the first threes. We do not need to compare with PX anymore. Every time we were in the first three, I showed my team, recognized them and appreciated them. The whole team got inspired. They don't think they are not better than PX anymore. They have confidence in doing well as long as they put heart on it.

 Also Thank you for changing  the old plates into the 3-compartment container. It's much more effective. Both our guests and associates like it.

 I'm not looking for short cut on Fresh chicken legs. If the vendor (Shamrock) is a big, dependable, professional company, and the price of fresh one is much less than the frozen one ( $40 vs.  $55/case). I could not see the reason why we need choose the frozen one. 

 To be proactive, I ordered 20 cases of frozen ones from Vistar when you first sent out e-mail a couple of months ago;

To begin with end in mind, I've already known that if we have frozen chicken at price of $55/case,  our COG will go back up again because we need pay extra $3000 only for chicken a period ( it will be more in X-mass time) and our CP might barely be able to beat the budget in Q4 even if our sales is 7% over budget because with that price, the more chicken we sell, the more money we will lose.

To be more proactive and to obey your leadership and to respect you,  I'll buy 20 s/s containers and try to find room in walk-in cooler. We'll order 10 cases frozen chicken from Vistar next Monday.

 Thank you for all your time and energy.









发表评论 评论 (5 个评论)

回复 chunyu88 2011-10-4 07:55
To: 水香 你曾经说:
Thank you for your positive feedback. It encourages me to keep on writing.
You are welcome.Welcome you visit my blog.
回复 水香 2011-10-3 11:45
To: chunyu88 你曾经说:
I was reading and study your good text,have a nice weekend!
Thank you for your positive feedback. It encourages me to keep on writing.
回复 chunyu88 2011-10-1 10:05
I was reading and study your good text,have a nice weekend!
回复 水香 2011-9-27 12:20
Thanks for your time reading.
回复 KQRBNP 2011-9-23 15:26
學習了。Thanks for sharing!


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