个人的前任和现任人格报告的一致性 本文是针对论文《个人的前任和现任人格报告的一致性(Consistency between individuals’ past and current romantic partners’ own reports of their personalities)》的一篇论文解析,该论文于2019年6月发表于《美国科学院院报(Proceedings of the National Acad ...
千禧一代的爱情为什么变“慢”了? Should We All Take the Slow Road to Love? Is the secret to lasting love to take it slow? As in really, really slow? 爱情持久的秘诀在于慢慢来?就是,非常、非常慢那种? The millennial generation is putt ...
当女儿撞见我们做爱 When Our Daughter Walked In on Us One sunny Sunday morning, my husband and I were in bed, right in the middle of things, when he shouted and pulled the comforter over us. But it was too late: We’d been caught. 一个阳光明媚的星期天早晨,丈夫和我在床上正忙 ...
为什么越来越多的日本女性选择不结婚? MOTOKO RICH 涉谷香织(音,中)两年前开始做生意,她有信心能养活自己。 Andrea DiCenzo for The New York Times 东京——新娘穿着一件生日蛋糕般的婚纱,扇贝形边缘的上身,下面是大箍衬裙。婚礼开始前,她静静地站在楼梯上,等着下楼步入会场。 “哇,”她想,“我 ...
自我拓展活动能提高浪漫关系中的性欲和满意度 本文是对论文《开拓你的视野:自我拓展活动可以提高浪漫关系中的性欲和满意度(Broadening Your Horizons: Self-Expanding Activities Promote Desire and Satisfaction in Established Romantic Relationships)》的一篇论文解析,该论文于2018年9月发表在 ...
创造力与浪漫激情 本文是针对论文《创造力与浪漫激情》(Creativity and romantic passion)的一篇论文解析,该论文于2019年1月发表于《人格与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology),本文作者是Carswell, Finkel,和Kumashiro。 浪漫的激情是指想要与他人结合的强 ...