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正才还是歪才 政事儿还是歪事儿 Right People or Wrong People 新闻评论 ... ... . ...

热度 1已有 2497 次阅读2018-2-14 07:02 分享到微信

正才还是歪才  政事儿还是歪事儿

正才还是歪才   政事儿还是歪事儿 Right People or Wrong People  新闻评论 ... ... . ..._图1-1


久远的事情你可以不知或者是淡忘,最近的事情还是有些记忆的好。或许刘汉不送到湖北咸宁受审,他主持援建的 5 坐希望小学,在震惊全球的512大地震中巍然屹立、为成百上千的小学生庇护了安全,这一事实可以保持客观,他不会被判处并且执行 PR.China 的死刑。

如果世界上有公法法院,刘汉到那里受审,会出现“j建议到世界地震机构任职”的判决结果。最能够表现刘汉人格的是 512 大地震,为什么要将他送到和处于隔离状态的湖北咸宁受审,这是一种什么政治 ?

“公务员工资翻两番”破坏了民族经济,也扰乱了世界经济;“教育市场化”是庸俗化的政治,是爱因斯坦都找不到工作的教育;“频谱资源归国家所有”为未知领域的探索制造了阻力,你不能说好多航空事故和这条立法有关,你也不能说我不这样认定。我认为这条立法的实质就是,传播无线电信号的空间场 PR.China 要实施收费(有偿使用)。这让那些外国人开飞机开得神经出错,空间场是全球概念,不好随意私法限定 !……。

正才还是歪才   政事儿还是歪事儿 Right People or Wrong People  新闻评论 ... ... . ..._图1-2



English : 

Right People or Wrong People, Good or Bad

Old things you may know not or forget it,  the recent things still you have some memory well. Perhaps LiouHan was not sent to trial in Xianning, Hubei Province. he presided over the aid to build 5 the Hope Primary Schools, stand firm amoung the 512 earthquake shocked all of the world, thousands pupils have been protected the safety. this fact can keep objective, he was not likely sentenced to and execute the death penalty of PR.China.

If there is a public law court in the world, LiouHan at there for trial, and there will be a verdict of " suggested to take office in the world earthquake agency". The most showing of the personality of LiouHan that is 512 great earthquake. Why send him to Xianning, Hubei, which is in isolation of the earthquake ? 

Preson of the public law court will tell you, that LiouHan does not kill any people, even if he kill people, and he will not be sentenced to death.  Their Hope Primary Schools play the role in Wenchuan earthquake, making the  causal relationship and a sentence. "All preson are equal before the law", when you saved the lives of hundreds of thousands, also you will not be sentenced to death if you have involving the killing of a preson.

Sun Zhengcai, a university student who was returned the high entrance examination after "Great Cultural Revolution", should avoid being tried in Tianjin. Tianjin is the hometown of former premier Wen Jiabao, "civil servants' wages rise the times 4 " "the Marketization of Education", "the spectrum resources belong to the state," "...",  it's all born from there.
The "civil servants' wages rise the times 4 " has wrecked the national economy, and also disrupted the world economy; "the Marketization of Education" is a vulgarization politics, it's the policy that Einstein can't find a job;  "the spectrum resources belong to the state" it make resistance for the exploration of unknown fields,...

Tianjin is the breeding place for this kind of anti culture. ye or no,  we can not sure. If they continue to extend in this framework now, Sun Zhengcai will get into trouble and he goes there.

Please weit some time.








发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 asdrtv 2018-2-17 08:21
回复 Tsaokuohua 2018-2-17 08:06
asdrtv: 谢谢您的回复,祝新年快乐。
So am I .
回复 asdrtv 2018-2-15 23:19
回复 Tsaokuohua 2018-2-15 07:40
asdrtv: 需要详情
512 地震的时候,汶川法院一下死掉二十多个法官,名字排了好长……
回复 Tsaokuohua 2018-2-15 07:10
asdrtv: 需要详情
Ok, thank you !
回复 asdrtv 2018-2-14 09:48


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