中国刑法修正案表决通过 侮辱国歌最高可判3年
这个立法,是存在失误的。禁止侮辱国歌(擅改歌词),要以原国歌的高质量为前提。 没有这个前提,立法处罚是添乱。对现在的国歌,进行必要的修改实是势在必行。
由于现在自杀式爆炸的犯罪事件概率上升,歌词里面“用我们的血肉,筑成我们新的长城” ,是涉嫌宣扬恐怖主义的,”冒着敌人的炮火前进”,是不是涉嫌鼓惑死亡,大家可以认真推敲。
就像 PR.China 的《物权法》第50条,“无线电频谱资源属于国家所有”。因为人类对无线电的认识还有很多的未知,按照科技惯例,谁发明发现了未知,他就是第一主权人。例如,……电流和电压成正比,它永远叫欧姆定律,不会叫 ** 国家定律的。立法应该不是专制制度的延伸。
(Tsaokuohua = 曹国华 = 320602520830201)
Only the Water Rrises and the Boat can Rise.
There are mistakes in this lawmaking. The National Anthem no insult,( change the words without authorize) , on the premise of the high quality of the original National Anthem..Without this premise, the legislative punishment is chaos. It is imperative to make necessary modifications to the present National Anthem..
Due to rising of the crime of suicide bombing probability now。 "take our bady and blood, to biuld our new Great Wall" of the song words publicize suspected terrorism, "Braving the enemy'sartillery fire go forward"., suspected Incites the death, yes or not, you can think it yourself.
About 30 years ago, the central Party and Government, and the National People's Congress have revised the national anthem, "Million people united as one forward to communism tomorrow," although not popular, too idealistic, but the lyrics are still better than now.
10 years ago, the Prime Minister of Japan has asked the Chinese government to amend the national anthem, the reason is that the national anthem is an Anti-Japan song, which is not conducive to development the friendship between two countries...... I think it's worth the leadership thinking serious.
Just like PR.China's "property law" fiftieth: "the radio spectrum resources belong to state.", Because the human understanding of radio still there has many unknowns, according to the scientific and technological routines, who invented and find the unknown, he is the first sovereign. For example, .... the current is in proportional to the voltage. It's always called Ohm's law. It's not called the law of any states. Legislation should not be an extension of autocracy.