分享 装潢漂亮的 Temperley London and ALICE by Temperley Sample Sale (Up to 80% off) - 12/1
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-12 02:17
WHAT: Temperley London and ALICE by Temperley Sample Sale  ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿 先介绍一下这位设计师和她的品牌: Alice Temperley grew up in Somerset, on her parent’s cider farm before moving to London to attend university. Temperley graduated from the Royal College of ...
3031 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Helmut Lang Sample Sale (简单而又成熟) - 12/10-12/12
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-10 15:59
WHAT: Helmut Lang  Sample Sale  ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿 先介绍一下这个牌子: The  Helmut Lang  fashion brand was created by Austrian fashion designer Helmut Lang(born 1956) in 1986. Lang was known for his minimalist,  ...
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分享 Tory Burch 60% Off Sales (鞋,包包,衣服)- 12/09-12/13
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-9 18:57
What: Tory Burch Why: Roughly 60% off fall clothing, shoes and bags in what's always one of the craziest sales of the season When: Thursday, December 9 through Monday, December 13. Thurs—Fri 11am8212;7pm, Sat—Sun 11am—4pm, Mon 11am— ...
3955 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Movie Apparel Sale (来自 Sex and the City / 欲望都市 2 的时尚 (50%-70% Off Christian Loub
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-9 18:53
WHAT: Movie Apparel Sale   听起来让人心跳!!! WHY: Clothes, shoes, and bags from film sets are being sold for 50-70% off of their original ticketed prices. Merchandise starts at just $50, and Christian Louboutin, Chanel, Prada, mui mui, Marc by Marc Jaco ...
1945 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 小毛儿报告: Haute Hippie Sample Sale (就算是65% Off 也不便宜) - 12/04 -12/10
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-9 01:06
  左边的白色鳄鱼皮包原价$22,000 现在90%Off 还是$2,200   同一时间与它一街之隔的 Diane von Furstenberg Sample Sale 那么疯狂排队强购,这儿竟然如此冷清。                    & ...
2823 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 小毛儿报告:DVF Sample Sale Up to 75% Off(喜欢这个牌子的团员儿一定要去)12/07 -12/10
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-8 21:05
  虽然我知道很多团员儿都了解这个牌子,但还是让小毛儿详细地介绍一下吧 :  黛 安·冯芙丝汀宝 (Diane von Furstenberg) 品牌是同名设计师创建的品牌。简称:DVF(咱就简称吧,名儿那么长)。DVF,俄罗斯犹太裔,出生于比利时布鲁塞尔,原名 Diane Michelle Halfin于1969年与德国 ...
4916 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lauren Merkin Sample Sale (Up to 70% Off 女人味的包包)- 12/07-12/10
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-8 02:58
  WHAT : Lauren Merkin Sample Sale WHY : Handbags, clutches and accessories, up to 70% off at the Lauren Merkin Holiday Sample Sale. Tatum bag: $125 (orig. $325) Diana bag: $95 (orig. $195) Small leather goods start at $40 ...
2094 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Beequeen By Chicca Lualdi (WWD 推薦惹人矚目的意大利米蘭的設計師) - 12/07 - 12/10
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-8 00:26
What: Beequeen By Chicca Lualdi Why: Deal: 50% to 70% off clothing by one of WWD 's designers to watch from Milan's spring 2011 Fashion Week - Women's Wear Daily 推薦惹人矚目的意大利米蘭的設計師. Cash only (只收现金)(ATM downstairs.) ...
1779 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Diane von Furstenberg Sample Sale (Up to 75% Off Dress, Skirts, Jackets & Coats)
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-7 22:00
WHAT: Diane von Furstenberg Sample Sale WHY: Up to 75% off dresses, jackets, skirts, accessories and more at the Diane von Furstenberg Sample Sale. New merchandise arriving throughout the week. Signature printed wrap dresses: $150 (or ...
1988 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 不去不甘心的 Sample Sale - 第五大道的世界大牌 50% Off 批发价 (Burberry, Valentino, Missoni, Cavall
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-7 01:09
What:  Burberry, Valentino, Missoni, Cavalli Versace Sample Sale(第五大道的世界大牌 50% Off 批发价) - 12/07 - 12/19  WHY: Exclusif Showroom is having their Annual Holiday Sample Sale. Prices are 50% below wholesale (50% Off 批发价。这样的牌子和 ...
2932 次阅读|0 个评论

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