分享 团员儿报告(From Vicki): Chanel, Chloe, Prada, Hermes, Dior, LV 等等75% Off 名牌包包 - 12/15
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-17 01:07
带着满心的期待,我代表小毛儿团长去了. 真的有好多Chanel包包,看得我眼花缭乱,看得我心旷神怡! 不多说,就说几点: - 样式非常的多。L型的展厅柜台里有数不清的香奈儿包样式。 - 两个老板都是美国白人(60岁左右,一男一女),看起来像正经生意人,很和善,也很会聊. -  只允许我拍两张照片 ...
3014 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 A.P.C. (30% to 50% off 简单别致的法国品牌)
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-15 19:56
What: A.P.C. - 简单别致的法国品牌 先介绍以下这个牌子:  ”A.P.C. is a French ready-to-wear brand, founded in 1988 by the Tunisian born Designer Jean Touitou. A.P.C. stands for 'Atelier de Production et de Création'. The company's legal address is 39 Rue ...
3544 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Nanette Lepore Sample Sale - 12/16 - 12/17
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-15 17:37
WHAT : Nanette Lepore Sample Sale (小毛儿比较认同的牌子,但不知道有什么样的衣服。也不知道降价多少) WHY : Nanette Lepore Oonagh by Nanette Lepore Fall merchandise at a discount at the Nanette Lepore Sample Sale. WHEN : 12/16 - 12/17, Th-F (9-7) ...
2665 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 在纽约 - UGG Australia, Gucci, Etro, Valentino & more (第五大道的名牌75% Off) Sample Sale
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-14 22:21
  WHAT: UGG Australia, Gucci, Etro, Valentino more Sample Sale  ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿 WHY: Save up to 75% off. New arrivals of ready-to-wear, designer shoes, handbags and jewelry from UGG Australia, Gucci, Etro, Valentino and many more. Sizes 0-12. Try-ons permi ...
3945 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Alexander Wang Sample Sale (红的发紫的华裔设计师 Up to 80% Off)- 12/16 - 12/19
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-14 13:06
WHAT: Alexander Wang Sample Sale (潮人儿们都瞩目, 排队能拍两趟街 的Alexander Wang Sample Sale又来了,而且比上次降价的更多。) ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿   先介绍一下这为年轻有为的华裔设计师 : Alexander Wang  is a Chine ...
3824 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Derek Lam Sample Sale (美国当红华裔设计师) - 12/15 - 12/16
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-14 00:43
WHAT: Derek Lam Sample Sale WHY: Pre-Fall and Fall collection at discounted prices at the Derek Lam Sample Sale. WHEN: 12/15 - 12/16, W-Th (10-6). WHERE: 10 Crosby St. (between Grand Howard St.), 3rd Floor. New York, NY 如果您喜欢这类信息,就 ...
1825 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 看来有些朋友要出点儿血了 Chanel, Chloe, Prada, Hermes, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Marc Jaco
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-13 18:35
WHAT: Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Prada more Sample Sale ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿   WHY: 小猪元儿叫Chanel 血尿“。听起来不文雅,但仔细想想挺逗的。 普通人买这些包,可是要出点血的。不过下面这个消息听起来真不错。 Sample Sale Produc ...
4011 次阅读|7 个评论
分享 Le’Bulga Sample Sale (70% Off 明星们喜欢的另一个包包牌子) - 11/23 - 12/24
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-13 01:55
WHAT: Le’Bulga Sample Sale    ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿 WHY: Luxury handbag company Le’Bulga is holding a Holiday Drive sample sale at their NYC company store. Snag up to 70% off their amazing leather bags. WHEN: Through 12/24, M-T ...
2219 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 在纽约中城的 Chloe & Reese Sample Sale 60% Off - 12/13-12/16
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-13 01:47
What: Chloe Reese Sample Sale    ZoeShopsNYC / 小毛儿的团儿   Why: Deep Designer Discounts!  Many Dresses- $40-50! Wool Cashmere Day Dresses: Were $385 - NOW $140-160! Silk Brocade Party Dresses: Were $460 ...
1825 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Kleinfeld 的婚纱减价 (Say Yes to the Dress 中的 纽约最大的婚纱showroom)- 12/12
Zoeshopsnyc 2010-12-12 02:21
What:  Kleinfeld (看过那个Realty TV 秀 “Say Yes to the Dress”吗?就是在这个纽约最大婚纱showroom 发生的准新娘们买婚纱的种种故事拍的) 。 这儿要做减价活动,准新娘团员儿们能错过这机会吗? Why:  Markdowns on bridal gowns by designers like Amsale, Badgley Mischka, and ...
4669 次阅读|0 个评论

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