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Zarathustra //www.sinovision.net/?77343 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


分享 Man is an Accident
2011-8-18 15:26
Living my life on the edge. Trying to break the limits, and see how much I can take.    Man is an accident. Man is a serendipity.  Man is the bastard child of angel and beast. Man is a perpetual test. Man is a fatality.  Man is an eternal riddle.
1546 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Mouth
2011-8-18 15:14
The human oral organ, namely, the mouth, which includes the lips, teeth, and tongue, is a quintessential agent which played a key role in infantile sexuality and has a substantial bearing on neurotic behaviors such as neurosis, eating disorder, fetishism, etc. in the adulthood.   Acco ...
1753 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 I am Ancient History
2011-7-29 22:30
I am ancient history. I am pre-history. I am history. I am future. I am a bedtime story. I am a folklore. I am a fairytale. I am a legend. I am a myth. I am a dilemma. I am an impasse. I am a hint. I am a metaphor. I am a parable. I am a game. I am a riddle. I am a conundrum. I ...
1634 次阅读|0 个评论

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