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2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ...

热度 1已有 4275 次阅读2015-7-9 21:18 |个人分类:★ 《五岳★新诠释》创作计划|系统分类:摄影| 艺术创作, 志愿者, 艺术馆, 北京 分享到微信


2015, Beijing garden museum of art, waiting for you - art volunteer recruitment activities officially launched!

大家都叫老段〔段延安〕,是北京上苑艺术馆“国际创作计划”2015驻馆艺术家 ,这 次 带到北京的驻馆创作计划以五岳(中国五大名山)为主题,作品名称: 《五岳★新 诠释》。

Everybody called old section (Duan Yanan), is the Beijing garden art museum "international creative plan" 2015 artists in pavilions, this time to Beijing's pavilion creation plan with its five famous mountains (China) as the theme, name: taken the new interpretation of the mountains ".

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-1

五岳★新诠释》通过艺术创作志愿者对当下祖国的美山、美景,对旅游 ,对 环境 ,对人文现状,是赞叹,是遗憾,是迷茫,是沮丧,是难过,是诉求,是 诉说表达… … 在中国唯一带漂的城市---“北漂”的北京,用艺术的形式( 影像,装置,诗歌 、绘 画等)创作《五岳★新诠释》大型综合材料作品。现招 募志愿者50人共同完成此 作品。 2015.10.1.在北京上苑艺术馆展出。

Volunteers painted five new interpretation through art creation of beautiful mountains, beautiful scenery of the motherland, to travel, to the environment, the humanities status quo, is amazing, is regret, is confused, is depressed, is sad, is, is to tell... ... Only with a floating city in China -- - "north drift" of Beijing, in the form of art, video, installation, poetry, painting, painting, etc.) creation taken the new interpretation of the mountains "large-scale integrated materials works. Now recruit 50 people raise volunteers to complete the work together. 2015.10.1. Yuan art museum in Beijing.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-2


First, conditions overleaf


1, all art volunteers should be healthy, abide by the laws and regulations, the ability to act independently of citizens, ranging in age from 18 to 50 s, any occupation, education, national and nationality.


2, all art volunteers must obey the arrangement from the host during the activity, and respect other people's religious beliefs and customs;


3, has certain economic basis, can afford the cost of the necessary expenses for the activities;


4, to electronically sign up, email: dya2015@163.com, submit the following materials: 1 personal photos, id card photocopies, profiles (300 words)


5, with "dedication, innovation, love, mutual aid and progress" of the volunteer spirit;


After 6, arrived at the activity place admissions officers need to sign the security protocol and application.


Second, the registration process


1, time signing up:


On May 10, 2015 - August 5


2, list, released time:


On August 10, 2015 (in the form of email notification)


Painted q&a: the five new interpretations of "creative planning

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-3




One, the new interpretation of the mountains "is a kind of creation plan?


New interpretation of the mountains, through the discussion of contemporary art and mass culture, the artistic context and the mutual permeation of everyday life, emphasize the deep relationship between human and nature, for all the destruction of the environment, destroyed the forces of nature.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-42015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-52015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-62015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-7


New interpretation of the mountains "is a work of art, is also an art, artistic creation by recruiting volunteers, part of the recruitment process and work alone, and then by the artist according to the volunteer work to complete the new interpretation of the mountains" large-scale integrated materials works.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-8


New interpretation of the mountains is a conceptual, experimental and operational are strong contemporary art, involving multiple aspects, such as economy, society, culture, environment, set the multivariate function of convergence of contemporary art.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-9


Second, why don't limit the artistic creation of new interpretation of the mountains "volunteer's career?


Famous German artist Joseph beuys said: everyone is an artist.


Art not only the artist's work, everyone with full of vitality in independent thinking and have the freedom of creativity and imagination, freedom, is the creation, life itself is a creative performance.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-10


The morning of December 8, 2012, one (1) class league branch 10 people gathered at the foot of the mountain. The students from the half-way up the mountain foothills, take pictures all the way, stimulate their enthusiasm of photography. The students ready to pick up the side of the road passenger lost of garbage, with practical action to protect the environment. Holding a slogan of "harmony between man and nature", the propaganda to protect the environment. The volunteer's style diffuse around the purple mountain, form a beautiful scenery line. http://798.io/1sv "republish" [from the network reproduced picture]]


Three, enterprises, companies and groups to participate in a new annotation of the mountains "creation?


To participate in, a unit can only be a piece of art exhibition.


Four, what are the forms of art? How to choose a creative subject?


Events: the "golden week" change "golden porridge"

中秋国庆黄金周长假,全国多地景区出现客流“井喷”,规模震撼,到处摩肩接踵,人潮涌动。中国最长黄金周顺利结束 3424万游客刷新历史纪录【全国多地景区出现客流“井喷” 长假如何提升含金量】【各名胜“不堪重负” 全民旅游凸显国人假日渴求】【各地上演“人海”景观】【看看长假里的人潮(组图) 】

Mid-Autumn National Day golden week holidays, see a "blowout", the more scenic spot size, elbowed everywhere, crowds. China's longest holiday well over 34.24 million visitors refresh record the passenger flow in more scenic area of the country "blowout" holiday giving attention to how to promote 】 【 each scenic spots "overwhelmed" 

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-11


Events: the "golden week" change "golden porridge"

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-12


Events: the "golden week" change "golden porridge"

中秋国庆黄金周长假,全国多地景区出现客流“井喷”,规模震撼,到处摩肩接踵,人潮涌动。中国最长黄金周顺利结束 3424万游客刷新历史纪录【全国多地景区出现客流“井喷” 长假如何提升含金量】【各名胜“不堪重负” 全民旅游凸显国人假日渴求】【各地上演“人海”景观】【看看长假里的人潮(组图) 】

Mid-Autumn National Day golden week holidays, see a "blowout", the more scenic spot size, elbowed everywhere, crowds. China's longest holiday well over 34.24 million visitors refresh record the passenger flow in more scenic area of the country "blowout" holiday giving attention to how to promote 】 【 each scenic spots "overwhelmed" national tourism highlights Chinese holiday thirst 】 【 spread across the "sea" landscape 】 【 look at holiday crowds (map) 】

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-13

黄金周首日客流8560万人 全国16省市24条高速拥堵

Golden week passenger flow on the first day of 85.6 million Article 24 the congestion 16 provinces

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-14

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-15


China's first highway toll free day holiday. Starting from zero, across the highway traffic flow to rise sharply, which parts of the highway overall traffic growth above 40%, high speed slow. The tianjin section of the beijing-shanghai high-speed traffic varieties: kick the shuttlecock and stretching the pet for a walk 】 【 the allegorical 】 half on the road is a Chinese holiday


Focus: tourist attractions turns into a garbage dump

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-16

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-17


Around the scenic spots in junk hook: citizen quality not in conformity with power [National Day sweep out 8 tons of garbage] [Beijing part of the scenic area tourist with throw rubbish exponentially (map) 】

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-182015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-19

景区垃圾满天飞 长假旅游国人当"慎独"

The scenic spot junk flying Holiday travel countrymen as "self-supervision"

【黄金周拥挤人潮垃圾成堆 美媒称“恐怖故事”】【各地高速路拥堵变成垃圾场】【随手扔垃圾爬树摘柿子 游客不文明行为随处见】【如何解决"随手扔垃圾"? 】

The golden week crowds garbage piles "horror stories" us media say 】 【 highway congestion around the average family-sized 】 【 with throw rubbish to climb trees to pick a persimmon Tourist uncivilized behavior seen everywhere 】 【 how to solve the "with throw rubbish"?


Reflection: who can break off problem of 1.3 billion people

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-20

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-21

高速免费首日出现长达40公里“车龙”。高速路上到处都是垃圾,还有人在公路边小便。全民旅游三大反思:集中休假模式走到死胡同尽头【谁让“黄金周”闹心】【白岩松评黄金周旅游乱象:中国人不会玩就是环境逼迫的】【专家建议完善带薪休假制度 避免黄金周扎堆出游】

The free day appear 40 kilometers "dragon". Highway garbage everywhere, and one side of the road to urinate. Universal travel three reflections: centralized vacation mode came to a dead end "who let the" golden week "when" at the end of the bai yansong evaluation of golden week travel chaos: the Chinese won't play environment is forcing the 】 【 experts suggest perfecting the system of paid vacation To avoid the golden week travel 】 are enjoying

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-22

3000万游客挤爆全国119景区 景区管理亟待完善破坏式旅游会破坏历史建筑、展览场馆等旅游资源,造成旅游者与当地居民、管理人员的冲突。【专家呼吁热门景区公布承载量 普及旅游素质教育】【长假景区"不堪负重" 带薪休假制度不完善致拥堵】【莫让文明出行成空谈】

30 million tourists packed the country's 119 scenic area scenic area management to improve the damage type tourism will destroy the historic buildings, exhibition venues, such as tourism resources, tourists and local residents, and conflict management. 【 popularization tourism quality education experts are calling for a popular scenic spot released volume 】 【 holiday resort "heavy" paid vacation system is not perfect cause congestion 】 【 let civilized travel into words 】

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-23

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-24


All the above case text and images from the Internet]


Art: painting, device, poetry, calligraphy, images, Internet, etc.;


Can use any subject related to tourism for creation, such as: sing the motherland beautiful rivers, traveling experiences, environmental issues, etc.; You can use any media, such as water, soil, waste and so on to show your work; Can also be your existing tourism related painting, poetry, photos, video, etc.; Can also is about the phenomenon of "tourism" weibo, and other forms of Internet, but must be true feelings, your heart is the expression of your moods and emotions.

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-25


Fifth, about the cost


Transportation, accommodation and my creative materials provide for oneself.


Six, on the exhibition and after the exhibition


1. Your name will appear in the new interpretation of the mountains "creative artist list;


2. You will be invited to attend the opening ceremony of the new interpretation of the mountains "art exhibition;


3. Online through the network, not regular notice the progress of the new interpretation of the mountains;


4. After the show, will notice the power of the new interpretation of the mountains "art exhibition and experts on the evaluation of the art;


5. After the exhibition, to send a new annotation of the mountains "art electronic books.


2015, Beijing garden museum of art, waiting for you - art volunteer recruitment activities officially launched!

2015·北京上苑艺术馆·等你---艺术创作志愿者招募活动正式启动! ..._图1-26







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