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lukang85 2011-9-1 22:37
To: a116189 你曾经说:
Hey sorry, my lisencr does now allow me to give buy sell opinions to non clients. But if I were you who wants to invest in stocks, I will be doing a lot of homework myself not solely relying on someone‘s opinion on something. You should be looking at the financial statements for the past 3 years on these securities, look at their financial ratios, such as p/e ratio, earnings per share which you ca
Thanks for your perspective and I didn‘t want to get you in trouble.
As I mentioned this would be speculative plays, not so much fundamentals but rather on quick turnarounds. (like gambling I guess my asian blood is my downfall)

You are right, I need to do my research before I hastily make any decisions. Since I little faith in the financial statements from the Chinese companies, I think I will have to find some more targets.

I guess I need to learn some tips from Buffett, hoard a lot cash and bail out the banks along with getting cushy warrants.
a116189 2011-9-1 22:22
To: lukang85 你曾经说:

This is a weird question but it‘s the internet so I figured I‘d ask. You seem to have a good background regarding the financial markets.

I wanted to get your opinion regarding some Chinese internet stocks (Renren and Youku). Both are near 52 lows but they shot up mostly after their initial IPO‘s. Just wondering if these stocks are a good speculative investment or

Hey sorry, my lisencr does now allow me to give buy sell opinions to non clients. But if I were you who wants to invest in stocks, I will be doing a lot of homework myself not solely relying on someone‘s opinion on something. You should be looking at the financial statements for the past 3 years on these securities, look at their financial ratios, such as p/e ratio, earnings per share which you can simply get from google finance. Just looking at prices after IPO are quite useless because all stocks go up after IPO. You also need to focus on external factors that are affecting these stocks in the next 12 months, such as foreign exchange rate, raw material prices for manufacturing goods, any up coming dividends or corporate action, etc. Investing in stocks and option is another full time job if you want to make decent return, keep in mind no matter how good you are, you still won‘t beat S&P 500. That‘s why don‘t just listen to someone who tells you “hey, that‘s a good catch. Buy low sell high, it will go up!“ it‘s never that easy.
lukang85 2011-9-1 22:02

This is a weird question but it‘s the internet so I figured I‘d ask. You seem to have a good background regarding the financial markets.

I wanted to get your opinion regarding some Chinese internet stocks (Renren and Youku). Both are near 52 lows but they shot up mostly after their initial IPO‘s. Just wondering if these stocks are a good speculative investment or would I just be throwing money down the drain.

josephdge 2011-8-11 00:56
dalu 2011-7-28 13:28
a116189 2011-7-22 13:54
To: dalu 你曾经说:
absolutely, my e-mail address is xuetianlu@hotmail.com Nice meeting you!
just added you to QQ. you can message me any time now.
dalu 2011-7-22 13:25
To: a116189 你曾经说:
Hello of course, but I don‘t have QQ yet, I might get one soon since so many people use it. Do you mind leave your email instead? Thank you
absolutely, my e-mail address is xuetianlu@hotmail.com Nice meeting you!
a116189 2011-7-22 10:12
To: dalu 你曾经说:
Hello, Is it possible to be a friend with you?
Hello of course, but I don‘t have QQ yet, I might get one soon since so many people use it. Do you mind leave your email instead? Thank you
dalu 2011-7-21 23:38
Hello, Is it possible to be a friend with you?

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