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  • 真实姓名Enna Weng
  • 性别保密
  • 生日1983 年 2 月 2 日
  • 毕业学校Bernard Baruch College
  • 学历本科
  • 公司Wells Fargo Securities
  • 职业4




樂嘉quotes - 感想 2011-09-14
還有不到一個禮拜就要去北京了。在這裡轉發一下樂嘉老師微博裏面的quotes: “现实的女人好不好?取决于你对“现实”的定义。如果你的定义是“见钱眼开,见异 ...
Viceroy Miami 2011-09-08
今天看了旅遊雜誌介紹Miami一家我自己也非常喜歡的hotel,Viceroy Miami。 這個hotel聚集了東西方色彩,而且具備了世界一流的服務水平。酒店座立於Brickell的 ...
不中不西的我 2011-09-08
今天哥大的Chazen Institute發表了一片文章,主要講的是中西方文化對商務就業的影響。這就讓我聯想起自己,一個不中不西的產物。 East vs. West: The Great Cr ...
涂磊 2011-08-30
涂磊,我的新偶像。喜歡他的理性,真實,一針見血;欣賞他的原則,高情商,情感細膩的觀察度。 貼上涂磊語錄: “在你跌入人生谷底的时候,你身旁所有的人都告 ...
Wednesday 小感 2011-08-24
今天一大早我們Back Office的一個經理拿起電話就對我破口大罵:“你發的email是什麼意思。” 我開始傻眼, 心裏琢磨這人怎麼殺氣那麼重:“什麼什麼意思。” 他 ...
Some Thoughts 2011-08-22
這幾天通過跟朋友們的交流過程中,我總結了幾樣東西- 閱歷與成熟度。 閱歷,這兩個字是來自《登泰山記》裏面,“君等識之,天下事未閱歷者不可以臆測,稍艱難 ...



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lukang85 2011-9-1 22:37
To: a116189 你曾经说: Hey sorry, my lisencr does now allow me to give buy sell opinions to non clients. But if I were you who wants to invest in stocks, I will be doing a lot of homework myself not solely relying on someone‘s opinion on something. You should be looking at the financial statements for the past 3 years on these securities, look at their financial ratios, such as p/e ratio, earnings per share which you ca Thanks for your perspective and I didn‘t want to get you in trouble. ... ...
a116189 2011-9-1 22:22
To: lukang85 你曾经说: Hi, This is a weird question but it‘s the internet so I figured I‘d ask. You seem to have a good background regarding the financial markets. I wanted to get your opinion regarding some Chinese internet stocks (Renren and Youku). Both are near 52 lows but they shot up mostly after their initial IPO‘s. Just wondering if these stocks are a good speculative investment or Hey sorry, my lisencr does now allow me to give buy sell opinions to non clients. But if ... ...
lukang85 2011-9-1 22:02

This is a weird question but it‘s the internet so I figured I‘d ask. You seem to have a good background regarding the financial markets.

I wanted to get your opinion regarding some Chinese internet stocks (Renren and Youku). Both are near 52 lows but they shot up mostly after their initial IPO‘s. Just wondering if these stocks are a good speculative investment or would I just be throwing money down the drain.

josephdge 2011-8-11 00:56
dalu 2011-7-28 13:28
a116189 2011-7-22 13:54
To: dalu 你曾经说:
absolutely, my e-mail address is xuetianlu@hotmail.com Nice meeting you!
just added you to QQ. you can message me any time now.
dalu 2011-7-22 13:25
To: a116189 你曾经说:
Hello of course, but I don‘t have QQ yet, I might get one soon since so many people use it. Do you mind leave your email instead? Thank you
absolutely, my e-mail address is xuetianlu@hotmail.com Nice meeting you!
a116189 2011-7-22 10:12
To: dalu 你曾经说:
Hello, Is it possible to be a friend with you?
Hello of course, but I don‘t have QQ yet, I might get one soon since so many people use it. Do you mind leave your email instead? Thank you
dalu 2011-7-21 23:38
Hello, Is it possible to be a friend with you?


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