海明是阿Q: 如果理性辩论,我不认为这种分裂有什么坏处。观点不同才能辩论出真理。一言堂多没意思。至于对和解的理解,我观点不变,还是以前博文里的观点,尊重刘谢的选择。 ...
海明是阿Q: 多谢了,从此欠你一份情,尽管吩咐。
海明是阿Q: 如果是女士点歌,那你肯定就不会犹豫了。对不?No gender discrimination, please.
海明是阿Q: 礁石兄,可以点歌吗?
海明是阿Q: 999老兄,请到随笔先生的博客去一趟。她在反驳我的文中引用了曹的论述。另请见我给她的留言回复。
海明是阿Q: 你对我的维护,我看到了。不客套了,尽在不言中。
想写一篇反驳曹所提原告与被告的区别,但不知道在这时候发是否合适。先跟你大概讲一下,看你是否同意我的逻辑 ...
To: sysb 你曾经说:1。直接向律师协会投诉;
To: 海明是阿Q 你曾经说:如果前夫或前妻尚健在,并且过往婚姻关系仍然还有效。夫妻双方或者他们的前夫前妻,都可以宣布目前的婚姻无效---就是说,重婚可以宣布无效。谢谢!
To: 威聯 你曾经说:就是说:夫妻双方或者他们的前夫前妻,都可以宣布前者目前的婚姻无效,如果(根据)前夫或前妻尚健在,并且过往婚姻关系仍然还有效。
An action to declare the nullity of a void marriage upon the ground that the former husband or wife of one of the parties was living, the former marriage being in force, may be maintained by either of the parties during the lifetime of the other, or by the former husband or wife.----找了几个人翻译,还是搞不明白--这句话这么长,到底什么意思啊---请忆江南先生务必指教。
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:You are very welcome. As I said in my blog articles, I support all lawyers that uphold the professional standards and I believe you are one of them. Plus, you have chosen to speak out.
Dear HQ: Thank you for your support and understanding. “I am not sure if ‘das moralische Gesetz‘ makes as much sense to me as to Philosopher Kant, but I do not know why he thought it does or should. “ Vielen Dank.