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热度 11||
14417335: There's no way for Haiming to find his conscience, if he had any before.
The shift was just another calculation of his stakes.
mgzww999: 海明从来没有翻然悔悟过,指望他与桑兰玩真的也必将以失望和被骗而告终,这是我个人的教训,我曾经为此和LAO以及博主都争论过,事实证明是我错了。海明所谓揭露 ...
海明是阿Q: What caused him to shift his stance? His recognition of his wrongdoing or his instinct to save himself, and only himself?
害人害己又海明: 其实我们的目标是一致的,只是条条大道通罗马,以其之矛攻其之盾而已。以桑兰之恶之毒远远高于海明,两恶相斗取其轻,当然我们要支持海明了。尽管他是害人害己, ...
mgzww999: 海明从来没有翻然悔悟过,指望他与桑兰玩真的也必将以失望和被骗而告终,这是我个人的教训,我曾经为此和LAO以及博主都争论过,事实证明是我错了。海明所谓揭露 ...
害人害己又海明: 这只是看问题的角度不一样,其实实质是一样的。不管是维权也好,职业需要也好,这些都不会改变问题的实质。就像风流和堕落其实是一回事情,只是发生在不 ...
礁石: I meant to say otherwise. Practically, Hugh Mo didn't do anything to kick Sang Lan back to China at this stage. On the other hand, Hai Ming humiliated ...
海明是阿Q: A logic that only reminds me of 天鹅公主的报恩论。According to it, Liu/Xie benefited most from the groundless lawsuit, without which people would not ...
礁石: People have all the reason to blame Hai Ming for betraying Sang Lan. But for the sake of Liu/Xie, Hai Ming actually did most of the work for Liu/Xie' ...
礁石: It's just a game. He tricked Sang Lan from the beginning. But don't judge him using morality or whatever. He did it for his own sake.
海明是阿Q: What caused him to shift his stance? His recognition of his wrongdoing or his instinct to save himself, and only himself?
14417335: Even though we 奉上鲜花 to 海明 for his changing stance, whatever crime or nasty deeds he committed will still be judged.
Same goes to stupid and bas ...
maomao1: 俺个人对海明的作为不以为然。桑案开始他是帮凶,表现无耻恶劣,现在为了逃脱责任转变态度(并没认错),只能说明这人人品差劲,职品差劲。但无论如何他的身份与 ...
钢丝: 换作我,一个都不原谅!
我不觉得网友们真那么幼稚,会轻易原谅海明,他如果真地向善的方向迈进一步,当然不拒绝,他做过的错事,并不会一笔勾销,他必须为自己 ...