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已有 3595 次阅读2011-7-29 10:36 分享到微信

I don't think I was ever a person to just go on random dates. It's been X long years since last time I was on a date with someone. I've been asked by a few nice guys to go with them recently, and I am really not sure how it's going to turn out. I don't like using the word "date"...it is better to call it a "hang out" or "meet up"...or just bumping into each other randomly. I've been living like a hermit recently, and I think I am forgetting how to have normal conversations with people, especially guys that could potentially turn out to be something else...ha. I'm so socially awkward these days, having a drink or two makes me relax and open myself up more. Ahhhh....! Nice/decent guys are sosososososooooo hard to come by these days I feel like I should just give myself and others a chance. Does anyone have any tips on what to do, how to act, what to talk about during those "dates"? I'm a total mess right now. I feel like I have no personality, no looks, no nothing whatsoever. I really need to get out there and just do more stuff instead of being a hermit. Life is too short to keep thinking about nonsense bullsh*t.







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回复 divinebaboon 2011-8-1 00:06
To: a116189 你曾经说:
Hey sweetie, I think I‘m gonna get out of this whole 非瘴饠_ soon. 很有衝動把我profile 撤下來。 I was at a lounge yesterday with a friend where they were hosting a singles event, there were so many people looking at me like they‘ve recognized me from this site. 撕破臉皮上來了,也沒有甚麼人欣賞,有點吃力不討好。有時候覺得我條件也不賴,怎麼那麼丟人現眼了。呵呵 sigh! Anyways, just want to vent a lit
I think I said this before, Haterz gonna hate, screw ‘em. You will find a great guy soon, don‘t worry.
回复 tinababy 2011-7-31 00:19
To: a116189 你曾经说:
Hey sweetie, I think I‘m gonna get out of this whole 非瘴饠_ soon. 很有衝動把我profile 撤下來。 I was at a lounge yesterday with a friend where they were hosting a singles event, there were so many people looking at me like they‘ve recognized me from this site. 撕破臉皮上來了,也沒有甚麼人欣賞,有點吃力不討好。有時候覺得我條件也不賴,怎麼那麼丟人現眼了。呵呵 sigh! Anyways, just want to vent a lit
Nooooo! Don‘t!! Like people said, I don‘t think it‘s embarrassing or anything; who cares if they recognize you or not. I didn‘t tell my friends but they all found out and I‘m just like “whatever“. We‘re in it just for fun, we shouldn‘t take it so seriously anyways. Don‘t leave me!!!
回复 a116189 2011-7-30 21:10
Hey sweetie, I think I‘m gonna get out of this whole 非瘴饠_ soon. 很有衝動把我profile 撤下來。 I was at a lounge yesterday with a friend where they were hosting a singles event, there were so many people looking at me like they‘ve recognized me from this site. 撕破臉皮上來了,也沒有甚麼人欣賞,有點吃力不討好。有時候覺得我條件也不賴,怎麼那麼丟人現眼了。呵呵 sigh! Anyways, just want to vent a little. Thanks for hearing me out! :)
回复 dalu 2011-7-29 13:52
There‘s a lot to talk about with people: movies, books, music, food, drink...
I heard a great icebreaker question recently: If you could go on a date with a movie character, who would that be?
回复 a116189 2011-7-29 11:25
oh btw, i think you are beautiful...我比你糟糕吧,我年紀比你還大呢。hehe
回复 a116189 2011-7-29 11:13
hey girl, just go on the “hang-outs“ and be yourself. You don‘t have to go out of your way to make yourself more interesting because you are a different individual. I agree that we should be living our lives, but don‘t stress about it. If that person 懂得欣賞你,he will always be there for you (well, as long as your are available.). haha.


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