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www.kiva.org and more

已有 3339 次阅读2011-7-27 01:01 分享到微信

Guys...I just registered for http://www.kiva.org/ and plan to lend some money out to those in need. I think it's important to help those less fortunate to better their lives while making our own more meaningful. It is a legitimate nonprofit org. and they even have a repayment schedule so you know exactly when you will be repaid. Even $25 could help make a difference...what's that amount of money good to us for? We should all really reflect upon ourselves and think about how lucky we all are to have what we have....

I have not made any loans yet, because there are so many of them in need. I need to take some time to read through each person's story and then make my choice(s). Just a random thing to share with y'all.....


Ok...something more personal: I think I have been pretty down recently because of my somewhat recent break up. Yes, even though it was my decision to end it, I am still a human being. I have emotions and feelings. As hard as I am trying to hide them, it still hurts a little...you know...just a tiny little bit. However, because of that "tragedy", I am really just trying to make my current life more meaningful, such as doing good deeds, helping others, pursuing new hobbies, watching a lot of movies and tv shows that I missed, reconnecting with people, and trying to meet and talk to new people (which used to be out of my comfort zone because I've been pretty anti-social after my heydays from the college sorority life). This is really good news to me because while I was in the last relationship, I found myself to be really closed off. Now, I know that there is a whole new world waiting for me to explore.

Thanks for hearing me out...


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下一篇: How about a white guy?






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回复 josephdge 2011-7-27 20:23
I really like the idea about loaning money out to people who need it..so happend i was also thinking along the same context last week about doing more like a “scholarship“ type thing. I know education is important and i know some of us went a long way, having to work through college to support ourselves financially and taking up so many part time job and strive to excel..i am totally in for it! About your recent break off..just dont dwell in it too long, we all fall down and most importantly is how we pick ourselves up again and grow each time..i am not giving up on love and there are always hope! just gotta wait for the right time and person...cheer up ya ^^
回复 a116189 2011-7-27 06:32
Tinaaaaa.....cheer up.. U will meet many new people here. :-)


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