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How about a white guy?

已有 4436 次阅读2011-7-26 10:03 分享到微信

So I went to a little bar/club type of thing last Friday night for my friend's bday party. I feel so old nowadays, I feel like going to the bar/club will probably take me days to recover lol (aching back/legs, and hangovers from like one beer). As I was sitting in my little corner like a little loser playing on my iphone while watching my friends partying and dancing away, this handsome/tall/cute white guy approached me. We seriously hit it off, and he made my night more interesting than how it would have turned out otherwise. We chatted (screamed into each others' ears) right at the bar while he bought me drinks. He is a 27yr. old dentist out in California...we basically just talked about random stuff like how it's like being a dentist and being an accountant (me). I was then interrupted by my sister and some girlfriends that pulled me away thinking that I was swept away by a creeper. We exchanged phone numbers and he texts me every now and then. If I tell my friends about this guy though, I'm sure they will be like helllllll no to meeting guys at the bar. Well...I don't even know if I'm ever going to see him again anyways (or should I? ha...)

Well, the point of my story is....I didn't know I could be into white guys! I had many crushes on white guys since elementary school all the way through high school, but during college that notion totally went away. He is pretty cute from what I can remember (not sure what I will think if I see him again under daylight) and seemed like a pretty genuine person. Too bad he lives all the way out in California, otherwise I might seriously consider dating him. I mean...who doesn't wanna marry a cute/young dentist ($$$$$). Don't get me wrong, I am no gold digger... So I am having this vision lately how my parents/family/friends will react if I really start dating a white guy, I would be pretty afraid of the cultural/language barrier. I want to find someone that my parents will like and that can actually talk to them and communicate with them. On the other hand, my parents also need to understand that Chinese guys are just so freaking !$^@#%_!_+!%$^) weird sometimes. Being a 1.5 generation Chinese-American with pretty Americanized mindset yet traditional Chinese values, I just find it really hard to find someone that is like me , someone that I can actually talk to and get along with happily and relate to. I always thought that realistically Asian/Chinese guys are more reliable and always better for us Asian/Chinese girls, but sometimes there's just something weird and creepy about Chinese guys. Sometimes I wonder if us Asian girls should give white guys a try? Plus the interracial marriage will produce some cuteeeeeee babies =)


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回复 josephdge 2011-7-26 22:26
i‘ve had a handful of friends who got together with white guys and i doubt they had a happy marriage. I sincerely think the culture and communication barrier between both parties which includes fam members is a huge factor. Girls like the sweet talk and the whole thing about guys who are good at expressing themselves which will grow old after a while. I would recommend considering the compatibility of your future spouse over what you experience on the very surface..plus forcing someone who is unwilling to learn your culture and language out of the unwillingness would only go so far and eventually causes you to feel tired..there are really great asian guys out there i‘m sure you can relate to..just gotta wait for the right timing and person..true love waits...
回复 gimirzz 2011-7-26 21:51
Yeah! I agree with you so much! Like the totally Americanized ones have communication barriers with me and so do the ones on the opposite extreme..... So it really is a common thing for us 1.5 gen huh?

And my parents also want the guy to speak Chinese, there‘s actually a lot of non-Asian guys I know that are learning Chinese too. Anyways interest in Chinese culture is a must although I don‘t know if I‘ll be speaking Chinese at home to future family....I guess it just bothers me that my parents are more interested in if *they* have things in common with the guy rather than me......
And I‘m kind of curious how you had crushes on non-Asian guys before but swathed in college?
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-26 21:48
To: tinababy 你曾经说:
What‘s ENTJ?
And to see what personality type you are, go to
回复 tinababy 2011-7-26 17:12
To: mmarkmail 你曾经说:
You just need to find the right guy. ENTJ maybe...

What‘s ENTJ?
回复 tinababy 2011-7-26 17:11
To: a116189 你曾经说:
hahahaha...you are so adorable! You are still young, it doesn‘t hurt to date it out and see how it goes. I dated white/Jewish guys in the past, relationship wise it was very well. One big difference b/t caucasion and Asian guys are many times, Americans don‘t take things as offensive/serious as some Asians. Let‘s say in a quarrel, and white guys sometimes tend to be apologgetic first and then sit
Ha...I just don‘t feel like I have all the youth to waste anymore. I want to be in a relationship and be able to picture the future with the person. Dating around can be fun (not sure “fun“ is the right word), but sometimes it just wears you out and just makes you lose confidence in men! haha....I‘m sure as a fellow girl you know what I mean. I totally agree with you on the American vs. Asian comparison. Asian people really do suck at expressing feelings. For god‘s sake...I myself had never even say “I love you“ or give hugs to my parents =( If I do ever end up being with a white dude...I will definitely make him learn/talk/breathe in Chinese! hahahaha. Chance is very slim, but I guess we will see what life brings us =D
回复 mmarkmail 2011-7-26 14:04
You just need to find the right guy. ENTJ maybe...
回复 mmarkmail 2011-7-26 14:00
I guess you just have to find yourself an ENTJ type of Asian guy.
回复 a116189 2011-7-26 11:12
hahahaha...you are so adorable! You are still young, it doesn‘t hurt to date it out and see how it goes. I dated white/Jewish guys in the past, relationship wise it was very well. One big difference b/t caucasion and Asian guys are many times, Americans don‘t take things as offensive/serious as some Asians. Let‘s say in a quarrel, and white guys sometimes tend to be apologgetic first and then sit down and discuss while some Asian men tend to keep the argument going and shut it down afterall. at the end of the day, communication is the key. Seems like 100% Asian Asian are not really good at expressing feelings, concerns, discussion, then they shy away from it. of course, not all of them are like that. Hey, i do agree with you about the parents/family part. Trust me, at the end of the end, our families still want us to find someone whom they can talk to. Exception: the white guy loves Chinese culture, food and willing to learn Chinese. Haha
回复 tinababy 2011-7-26 11:10
To: divinebaboon 你曾经说:
lol no comment
LOL i knew you‘d be the first to comment. but no comment?! geez =P
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-26 11:07
lol no comment


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