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Monday Blues...

已有 1851 次阅读2011-7-11 13:57 分享到微信

Work has been so boring and unchallenging lately. Don't get me wrong, I love my boss, my coworkers, my cozy office, and all...but I am just so unmotivated due to the lack of challenge. I wish i could be brave enough one day to just put in my resignation, find a more challenging career (and not just a job that pays the bills and makes a living) or even try out something new like opening my own business, travel to all those places that I dreamt about...sigh..........

I blame myself for studying a very boring major...Accounting....this should be the profession with the highest suicidal rates and not dentists...LOL







发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

回复 tinababy 2011-7-12 09:50
Seriously...the next three years will be quite critical for me...and for any girl at this age. Thanks!
回复 divinebaboon 2011-7-12 00:29
I say give yourself three years. In that next three years, plan out the details of your...shall we call it “escape“. Once the three years are up, execute your flawlessly planned out plan and enjoy life! Of course that‘s easy for me to say, seeing as how I‘m still in college and don‘t have much to worry about yet, but still. Give it a thought?
回复 tinababy 2011-7-11 23:31
To: qinrong 你曾经说:
Have you ever thought that one day you would travel the world with your best friend or your lover to experience different lives and kinds of cultures, and to know different people. And you can take many photos and write notes with your minds. How wonderful, right?

Dare you make this decision to give up almost everything here?

It‘s easier said than done. I have bills to pay and other responsibilities, plus I have not found someone that I actually want to travel the world with yet. Thanks for the motivation thought =)
回复 qinrong 2011-7-11 14:20
Have you ever thought that one day you would travel the world with your best friend or your lover to experience different lives and kinds of cultures, and to know different people. And you can take many photos and write notes with your minds. How wonderful, right?

Dare you make this decision to give up almost everything here?


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