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Tina Baby //www.sinovision.net/?71549 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 做自己的宝贝


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  • 真实姓名Tina Lin
  • 性别保密
  • 生日1986 年 9 月 9 日
  • 毕业学校George Mason University
  • 学历本科
  • 公司政府承包商
  • 职业5




往前一步是幸福 2011-08-07
Life is all about moving on. I have to say that I am so glad I did what I did and recently I'm happier than ever! I thought it would be so hard to le ...
My everyday life thru iphone camera 2011-08-05
Just wanna share some random photos from my iphone: Shopping at saks fifth avenue. I got these Chanel sunglasses. LOVE!!! Myrtle Beach, SC. My ...
Got a call from fcwr in china 2011-08-03
Just updating everyone...I got a call around midnight last night from a very strange number and decided to ignore it. Little did I know when I checke ...
Dates? 2011-07-29
I don't think I was ever a person to just go on random dates. It's been X long years since last time I was on a date with someone. I've been asked by ...
www.kiva.org and more 2011-07-27
Guys...I just registered for http://www.kiva.org/ and plan to lend some money out to those in need. I think it's important to help those less fortuna ...
How about a white guy? 2011-07-26
So I went to a little bar/club type of thing last Friday night for my friend's bday party. I feel so old nowadays, I feel like going to the bar/club ...



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sighthearmouth 2011-7-17 17:47

I live right outside of DC. After reading your profile and blog, I think we have alot in common. If you are interested in hanging out/(meet-in-person), shoot me an email at sighthearmouth@gmail.com . Of course, you are more than welcome to ask me any questions in the email.
divinebaboon 2011-7-13 14:14
dayum gurl u post a lot -_-




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