Paris 这个浪漫的城市,每个人对它的诠释都可以很personal。就像最近Woody Allen 最新的电影 midnight in paris, 我也怀着绮丽的幻想。 这次匆匆,太匆匆的三天,仿若隔世。一些主要建筑都掠过,而是集中精力感受当地的气氛。 住处选在卢浮宫旁,对面就是地铁,后花 ...
Sometimes what seems at first like an annoyance, a setback, or a realy huge mistake can actually be part of something much bigger. I've told you many times that I do not believe in coincidences. I do believe every moment is engineered by our soul and the divine. In fact, some experiences, both goo ...
“One of great things about making your own money is that you've always been able to fuck who you wanted, not who you thought would marry you or take you shopping.” ----- Kelly Cutrone.