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许渊冲的译本最耐读 -- 秋子树点评《月下独酌》30种英译本(7)

已有 8471 次阅读2011-8-9 11:05 分享到微信



译者:Xu Yuanchong许渊冲 (1921 --)

    诗译英法唯一人 ,北京大学教授,翻译家。在国内外出版中、英、法文著译六十本,包括《诗经》、《楚辞》、《李白诗选》、《西厢记》、《红与黑》、《包法利夫人》、《追忆似水年华》等中外名著,是有史以来将中国历代诗词译成英、法韵文的唯一专家。1999年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。


Drinking Alone under the Moon
       tr Xu Yuanchong许渊冲, 1997

Amid the flowers, from a pot of wine
I drink alone beneath the bright moonshine,
I raise my cup to invite the Moon who blends
Her light with my Shadow and we’re three friends.
The Moon does not know how to drink her share;
In vain my Shadow follows me here and there.
Together with them for the time I stay
And make merry before spring’s spent away.
I sing and the Moon lingers to hear my song;
My Shadow’s a mess while I dance along.
Sober, we three remain cheerful and gay;
Drunken, we part and each may go his way.
Our friendship will outshine all earthly love,
Next time we’ll meet beyond the stars above.


         此版本采用的是翟理斯的翻译方法,即除了忠实原文之意外,在行数、节奏和音韵上要体现原诗之美,并且此版本真的是outshine (借用译者的用词)翟理斯的译本,理由是它没有误译的地方。当然,在形式上,翟理斯的译本可能更胜一筹,因为它押腹韵,这点,翟理斯可以昂然朗诵陈子昂的“前无古人,后无来者”的诗句了。







直译而不强求押韵:亚瑟 韦利,庞德










译者:Florence Ayscough & Amy Lowell艾梅·洛威尔



Drinking Alone in the Moonlight
        tr Florence Ayscough & Amy Lowell, 1921
A pot of wine among flowers.
I alone, drinking, without a companion.
I lift the cup and invite the bright moon.
My shadow opposite certainly makes us three.
But the moon cannot drink,
And my shadow follows the motions of my body in vain.
For the briefest time are the moon and my shadow my companions.
Oh, be joyful! One must make the most of Spring.
I sing–the moon walks forward rhythmically;
I dance, and my shadow shatters and becomes confused.
In my waking moments we are happily blended.
When I am drunk, we are divided from one another and scattered.
For a long time I shall be obligated to wander without intention.
But we will keep our appointment by the far-off Cloudy River.



译者:Shigeyoshi Obata小畑薰良


Three with the Moon and his Shadow
         tr Shigeyoshi Obata小畑薰良, 1922

With a jar of wine I sit by the flowering trees.
I drink alone, and where are my friends?
Ah, the moon above looks down on me;
I call and lift my cup to his brightness.
And see, there goes my shadow before me.
Ho! We’re a party of three, I say,–
Though the poor moon can’t drink,
And my shadow but dances around me,
We’re all friends to-night,
The drinker, the moon and the shadow.
Let our revelry be suited to the spring!
I sing, the wild moon wanders the sky.
I dance, my shadow goes tumbling about.
While we’re awake, let us join in carousal;
Only sweet drunkenness shall ever part us.
Let us pledge a friendship no mortals know,
And often hail each other at evening
Far across the vast and vaporous space!



译者:Witter Bynner (August 10, 1881 – June 1, 1968),美国诗人,汉学家。


Drinking Alone with the Moon
tr Witter Bynner, 1929(?)

From a pot of wine among the flowers
I drank alone. There was no one with me–
Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon
To bring me my shadow and make us three.
Alas, the moon was unable to drink
And my shadow tagged me vacantly;
But still for a while I had these friends
To cheer me through the end of spring . . .
I sang. The moon encouraged me.
I danced. My shadow tumbled after.
As long as I knew, we were boon companions.
And then I was drunk, and we lost one another.
. . . Shall goodwill ever be secure?
I watch the long road of the River of Stars.



译者:Robert Payne罗伯特·佩恩


Drinking Alone under Moonlight
tr Robert Payne, 1958
Holding a jug of wine among the flowers,
And drinking alone, not a soul keeping me company,
I raise my cup and invite the moon to drink with me,
And together with my shadow we are three.
But the moon does not know the joy of drinking,
And my shadow only follows me about.
Nevertheless I shall have them as my companions,
For one should enjoy life at such a time.
The moon loiters as I sing my songs,
My shadow looks confused as I dance.
I drink with them when I am awake
And part with them when I am drunk.
Henceforward may we always be feasting,
And may we meet in the Cloudy River of Heaven.



译者:William Acker


Amidst the Flowers a Jug of Wine
tr William Acker, 1967

Amidst the flowers a jug of wine–
I pour alone lacking companionship,
So raising the cup I invite the moon,
Then turn to my shadow which makes three of us.
Because the moon does not know how to drink
My shadow merely follows my body.
The moon has brought the shadow to keep me company a while,
The practice of mirth should keep pace with spring.
I start a song and the moon begins to reel,
I rise and dance and the shadow moves grotesquely.
While I'm still conscious let’s rejoice with one another,
After I'm drunk let each one go his way.
Let us bind ourselves for ever for passionless journeyings.
Let us swear to meet again far in the Milky Way.




译者:J.C. Cooper


The Little Fete
           tr J.C. Cooper, 1972

I take a bottle of wine and I go to drink it among the flowers.
We are always three–
counting my shadow and my friend the shimmering moon.
Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking,
and my shadow is never thirsty.
When I sing, the moon listens to me in silence.
When I dance, my shadow dances too.
After all festivities the guests must depart;
This sadness I do not know.
When I go home,
the moon goes with me and my shadow follows me.



译者:Irving Yucheng Lo


Drinking Alone Beneath the Moon
          tr Irving Yucheng Lo, 1975
A pot of wine among the flowers:
I drink alone, no kith or kin near.
I raise my cup to invite the moon to join me;
It and my shadow make a party of three.
Alas, the moon is unconcerned about drinking,
And my shadow merely follows me around.
Briefly I cavort with the moon and my shadow:
Pleasure must be sought while it is spring.
I sing and the moon goes back and forth,
I dance and my shadow falls at random.
While sober we seek pleasure in fellowship;
When drunk we go each our own way.
Then let us pledge a friendship without human ties
And meet again at the far end of the Milky Way.



译者:Rewi Alley


Alone and Drinking Under the Moon
          tr Rewi Alley, 1980

Amongst the flowers I
am alone with my pot of wine
drinking by myself; then lifting
my cup I asked the moon
to drink with me, its reflection
and mine in the wine cup, just
the three of us; then I sigh
for the moon cannot drink,
and my shadow goes emptily along
with me never saying a word;
with no other friends here, I can
but use these two for company;
in the time of happiness, I
too must be happy with all
around me; I sit and sing
and it is as if the moon
accompanies me; then if I
dance, it is my shadow that
dances along with me; while
still not drunk, I am glad
to make the moon and my shadow
into friends, but then when
I have drunk too much, we
all part; yet these are
friends I can always count on
these who have no emotion
whatsoever; I hope that one day
we three will meet again,
deep in the Milky Way.



译者:Burton Watson华茲生(1925 - )汉学家,翻译家。


Drinking Alone Under the Moon
          tr Burton Watson, 1986

A jug of wine among flowers
I drink alone, for there’s no companion.
I raise the cup and invite the moon,
With my shadow we become three.
Of course the moon does not understand drinking;
The shadow purposelessly traces my body.
But I accompany the moon and the shadow anyway
The pursuit of pleasures must continue until the spring.
The moon wanders as I sing;
The shadow rattles when I dance.
Still sober, we share our joys;
After drunk, each goes its way.
Permanently joined for feelingless journeys–
Perhaps to the remote Milky Way.



译者:Elling O. Eide


 Drinking Alone in the Moonlight
            tr Elling O. Eide, 1994

Beneath the blossoms with a pot of wine,
No friends at hand, so I poured alone;
I raised my cup to invite the moon,
Turned to my shadow, and we became three.
Now the moon had never learned about my drinking,
And my shadow had merely followed my form,
But I quickly made friends with the moon and my shadow;
To find pleasure in life, make the most of the spring.
Whenever I sang, the moon swayed with me;
Whenever I danced, my shadow went wild.
Drinking, we shared our enjoyment together;
Drunk, then each went off on his own.
But forever agreed on dispassionate revels,
We promised to meet in the far Milky Way.




译者:Stephen Owen宇文所安(1946 -- 美国著名汉学家。


Drinking Alone by Moonlight
tr Stephen Owen, 1996
Here among flowers one flask of wine,
with no close friends, I pour it alone.
I lift cup to bright moon, beg its company,
then facing my shadow, we become three.
The moon has never known how to drink;
my shadow does nothing but follow me.
But with moon and shadow as companions a while,
this joy I find must catch spring while it's here.
I sing, and the moon just lingers on;
I dance, and my shadow flails wildly.
When still sober we share friendship and pleasure,
then, utterly drunk, each goes his own way–
Let us join to roam beyond human cares
and plan to meet far in the river of stars.



译者:Winifred Galbraith


Drinking under the Moon
       tr Winifred Galbraith, 1997

The wine among the flowers,
O lonely me!
Ah moon, aloof and shining,
I drink to thee.
Beside me, see my shadow,
Rejoice we three!
Moon, why remote and distant?
Dance with my shade and me.
This joy shall last for ever,
Moon, hear my lay,
My shade and I can caper
Like clouds away.
And drunk we are united
(But lone by day)
Let's fix eternal trysting
In the Milky Way.



译者:Xu Yuanchong许渊冲 (1921 --)


Drinking Alone under the Moon
       tr Xu Yuanchong许渊冲, 1997

Amid the flowers, from a pot of wine
I drink alone beneath the bright moonshine,
I raise my cup to invite the Moon who blends
Her light with my Shadow and we’re three friends.
The Moon does not know how to drink her share;
In vain my Shadow follows me here and there.
Together with them for the time I stay
And make merry before spring’s spent away.
I sing and the Moon lingers to hear my song;
My Shadow’s a mess while I dance along.
Sober, we three remain cheerful and gay;
Drunken, we part and each may go his way.
Our friendship will outshine all earthly love,
Next time we’ll meet beyond the stars above.



译者:Sun Dayu孙大雨


 Drinking Alone under the Moon
          tr Sun Dayu孙大雨, 1997

With a jug of wine among the flowers,
I drink alone sans company.
To the moon aloft I raise my cup,
With my shadow to form a group of three.
As the moon doth not drinking ken,
And shadow mine followeth my body,
I keep company with them twain,
While spring is here to make myself merry.
The moon here lingereth while I sing,
I dance and my shadow spreadeth in rout.
When sober I am, we jolly remain,
When drunk I become, we scatter all about.
Let's knit our carefree tie of the good old day;
We may meet above sometime at the milky way.



译者:Sam Hamill


Drinking Alone
      tr Sam Hamill, 2000

I take my wine jug out among the flowers
to drink alone, without friends.
I raise my cup to entice the moon.
That, and my shadow, makes us three.
But the moon doesn't drink,
and my shadow silently follows.
I will travel with moon and shadow,
happy to the end of spring.
When I sing, the moon dances.
When I dance, my shadow dances, too.
We share life's joys when sober.
Drunk, each goes a separate way.
Constant friends, although we wander,
we'll meet again in the Milky Way.



译者:Vikram Seth


Drinking Alone with the Moon
        tr Vikram Seth, 2001

A pot of wine among the flowers.
I drink alone, no friend with me.
I raise my cup to invite the moon.
He and my shadow and I make three.
The moon does not know how to drink;
My shadow mimes my capering;
But I'll make merry with them both–
And soon enough it will be Spring.
I sing–the moon moves to and fro.
I dance–my shadow leaps and sways.
Still sober, we exchange our joys.
Drunk–and we'll go our separate ways.
Let's pledge–beyond human ties–to be friends,
And meet where the Silver River ends.




译者:Keith Holyoak


Drinking Alone Under the Moon
          tr Keith Holyoak, 2005

Alone among the flowers with a jug of wine,
Without a single friend to drink with me,
I lift my glass and invite the bright moon to come
Join in—now the moon, my shadow and I make three.
I know the moon is not a famous drinker,
My shadow’s toast no more than mimicry,
And yet for a little while the three of us
Carouse in springtime camaraderie.
I sing, and the moon sways to and fro in rhythm;
I dance, and my shadow floats in harmony.
Drinking, we share our joys with one another;
After, we’ll need to find them separately.
Let’s meet again, at the end of the Silver River,
And there, my friends, resume our revelry!



译者:Tony Barnstone & Chou Ping


Drinking Alone by Moonlight
       tr Tony Barnstone & Chou Ping, 2005

A pot of wine in the flower garden,
but no friends drink with me.
So I raise my cup to the bright moon
and to my shadow, which makes us three,
but the moon won’t drink
and my shadow just creeps about my heels.
Yet in your company, moon and shadow,
I have a wild time till spring dies out.
I sing and the moon shudders.
My shadow staggers when I dance.
We have our fun while I can stand
then drift apart when I fall asleep.
Let’s share this empty journey often
and meet again in the milky river of stars.



译者:Zhang Tingshen & Wei Bosi


Drinking Alone under the Moon
       tr Zhang Tingshen & Wei Bosi, 2005

A jug of wine amidst the flowers:
Drinking alone, with no friend near.
Raising my cup, I beckon the bright moon;
My shadow included, we’re a party of three.
Although the moon’s unused to drinking
And the shadow only apes my every move
For the moment I’ll just take them as they are,
Enjoying spring when spring is here.
Reeling shadow, swaying moon
Attend my dance and song.
Still sober, we rejoice together;
Drunk, each takes his leave.
To seal forever such unfettered friendship
Let’s rendezvous beyond the Milky Way.



译者:David Landrum


We Three
         tr David Landrum 2007

Some wine, a flower garden, I alone
To pour the wine and drink it here, unknown.
I lift the cup aloft and I invite
The Moon to drink with me. To my delight,
She joins me—then my shadow makes us three!
Together we indulge in revelry.
The Moon drinks, and my shadow—what a laugh!—
Now imitates me down the moonlit path!
I dance, my shadow dances with me there.
Still sober, here a moment’s joy we share.
When drunk, we part as friends and say farewell
But make a promise none would dare to tell:
To meet again and drink another day,
Not long from now, beyond the Milky Way!



译者:Carol Saba


Li Bai's Solitary Considerations in the Moonlight
          tr Carol Saba, 2007

A bottle found on the garden path
is invitation enough for friendless me.
I beckon the moon and smile at my shadow
for I’m no longer alone; now we are three.
The moon is not much of a drinking companion,
my shadow can’t share an original thought;
yet I will spend time with these as my friends
to relish the waning spring eve as I ought.
I sing to the moon, it sways to my song,
I dance with my shadow, it bounces along;
awake, we three are the same as one
but drunk I fall back to being alone.
Eternally bound to the mythic journey
we each have our place on the way to the stars.




译者:Luisetta Mudie


Drinking alone
     tr Luisetta Mudie, 2007?

Here among the flowers I have a flask of wine
To pour out just for me: no company tonight.
I raise my glass instead to the bright moon,
And my shadow makes the third.
Though the moon declines, says she can't hold her liquor,
And my shadow dogs me stupidly wherever I turn,
I'll make do with these strange companions,
And enjoy the fleeting music of spring.
I sing, and the moon wavers, as if at a crossroads.
My shadow dances along with me.
Friends might keep their pleasures sober
Parting once drunkenness sets in
Or they might swear to keep an otherworld feast–
Time-honoured, out beyond the star-cloud river.





Pouring Wine as the Moon Shines
            tr 2007

From the filled jug of wine left within the blossoming bed,
I pour with no love nor family by. Loneliness sets in.
Drawn to its beam, I raise a brimming cup and face the moon–
an encounter that spawns a shadow. We’ve become a trio.
The aloof moon, as of late, has been declining to imbibe
and the faithful shaver, my shadow, follows my every move.
For tonight, anyway, we three will be boon companions.
Turned on, we'll be stepping out. Spring leaves us too soon.
I try to sing, and the moon starts its little swaying move,
which gets me dancing till my poor shadow's all confused.
With so much in common, we rouse to the time of our lives
until, in a drunken fog, we let go, dispensed into a cured world.
Ever cast to find passion in an age of fruitless wandering,
our feelings are mutual. I'll see you in that cosmic cloudy dynasty.





Drinking Alone by Moonlight
      tr. 某博客主人?2007
Among the flowers a pot of wine,
I drink alone; no friend is by,
I raise my cup, invite the moon,
And my shadow; now we are three.
But the moon knows nothing of drinking,
And my shadow only apes my doings;
Yet moon and shadow shall be my company.
Spring is the time to have fun.
I sing, the moon lingers,
I dance, my shadow tangles,
While I'm still sober, we are gay together,
When I get drunk, we go our different ways.
We pledge a friendship no mortals know,
And swear to meet on heaven's Silver River.



译者:Paul Rouzer


Drinking Alone Under the Moon            tr Paul Rouzer

Among the flowers, a single jug of wine;
I drink alone. No one close to me.
I raise my cup, invite the bright moon;
facing my shadow, together we make three.
The moon doesn’t know how to drink;
and my shadow can only follow my body.
But for a time I make moon and shadow my companions;
taking one's pleasure must last until spring.
I sing–the moon wavers back and forth.
I dance–my shadow flickers and scatters.
When I'm sober we take pleasure together.
When I'm drunk, we each go our own ways.
I make an oath to journey forever free of feelings,
making an appointment with them to meet in the Milky Way afar.

最近 (1个版本)




Drinking Alone under the Moon

tr Qiu Zishu, 秋子树 2011

Drinking alone without a companion

A pot of wine amid fragrant blossom

I then propose a toast to the bright moon

A party of three with my shadow’s formed soon

The moon can’t apprehend my drinking

The shadow accompanies me is in vain

Yet I've to take the two as partners for the moment

As pleasure-seeking should be at the right season

The moon follows the rhythm of my chanting

Shadow of myself scatters while I’m dancing

When I’m clear in mind we’ve made fun together

When I become drunk we depart from each other

Let’s make an unworldly deal on future wandering

To drink together again high above in the heaven(秋子树)







发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 秋子树 2011-8-16 11:06

Drinking Alone under the Moon

A pot of wine amidst the flowers,
Alone I drink sans company.
The moon I invite as drinking friend,
And with my shadow we are three.
The moon, I see, she does not drink,
My shadow only follows me;
I’ll keep them company a while,
For spring’s time for gayety.
I sing: the moon she swings her head;
I dance: my shadow swells and sways.
We sport together while I awake,
While drunk, we all go our own ways.
An eternal, speechless trio then,
Till in the clouds we meet again!

此译本简洁,节奏感强。用sport翻译“交欢”, 用speechless 诠释“无情”,理解上有独到之处。
另外,林语堂的这个译本好像是有意让人阅读、而不是朗读的:看看他那么注意标点符号, 分号,冒号,还有感叹号。其实,古时是没有标点符号的哟。
回复 秋子树 2011-8-10 21:41
To: 宋德利 你曾经说:
回复 宋德利 2011-8-10 20:17
回复 宋德利 2011-8-10 20:17
回复 秋子树 2011-8-9 22:19
To: LongSpear 你曾经说:
1. 他的30首译诗被国外的大学选作教材。
2. 英国智慧女神出版社认为《西厢记》“在艺术性和吸引力方面,可以和莎士比亚的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》相媲美。“
3. 英国企鹅出版社出版了许渊冲的《中国不朽诗三百首》(1994),在英美加澳等国同时发行,这是该社第一次出版中国人的译作,因为“此书的译文是绝妙的“。
4. 上述第2、3点多次被译者本人引用,以至喜阅读的英美人士都反感其张狂。以下是个很好的例子,这个西方文化人尽管对译者的自我介绍不以为然,称他为一个古怪的译者(an apparently eccentric translator),但仍然推荐了译者的版本:
Despite the bad taste the introduction left in my mouth and the patina it lent to the translated half of the book, I would still recommend it for the library of the bibliophile who has everything.
回复 LongSpear 2011-8-9 16:35


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