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qlin100 //www.sinovision.net/?67277 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 爱的小窝



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dave123 2011-8-22 00:48
hi qing, i am in dc. my email is dconelove@gmail.com. i am searching for the one and the only one. so i hope to hear from you, really.
Keano20 2011-8-9 13:30
Hi Qlin,

This is Larry. https://www.sinovision.net/date/detail.php?id=49585&totalNum=48&pageNum=1

I left you my email address as per your request. I am not sure if you were able to see it. If not, here is my email again ngolarry@gmail.com . Let me know if you are still interested in knowing each other better. FYI I know you are typical Pisces and I am typical Cancer. We are the best signs, match made in heaven, for each other. We both looking for a romantic, geniune and true relationship, so I am pretty sure we will blossom to great friendship or something futher.

I also might be coming down the DC area later this month. If you have time we can meet up for coffee or something. Best of luck on your search and I sure you will find your prince soon ;)
lukang85 2011-8-7 11:33
I hope you are able to make the show. (I really wanted a free trip back)

I find it difficult balancing both cultures, having come to America when I was 5 but still have most of my family back in China.

Here is my email: Lukang85@gmail.com, hope to hear from you soon.
muscularnerd 2011-7-27 02:20
Hi qlin,
Larry1314IU 2011-7-24 15:53
祝你在非诚勿扰牵手成功!如果 万一 没成功 别忘了我! ! Larry1314IU@gmail.com 谢谢
jinnyl 2011-7-21 05:30
可以交个朋友吗,email : bista888@hotmail.com

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