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nvolacprimar(UID: 666679)

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  • 个人主页http://amazon.com/TOPLASH-Eyelash-Growth-Serum-Hypoallergenic/dp/B07B6MLY79
  • 兴趣爱好“Using blush the same way you would use your bronzer—forehead, cheekbones, temples,” says Jamie. In recent years we’ve seen blush being used just about every which way. We still remember Doja Cats’ Vogue video where she expressed her love of blush over her nose. But Jamie suspects this trend to carry on in 2023, with people wanting to experiment using blush in place of bronzer. I’m tempted to take part... Beauty tech trends enable more consumer touchpoints. Smart applications with quizzes and skin analyzers, newsletters with virtual try-ons, engaging interaction on websites, communication with AI-powered chatbots, and image experiments with augmented reality create a new beauty space for consumers in a metaverse.  Nails were made for experimentation. Ruled by bright colors and bold accessories, this year’s top summer beauty trends come courtesy of professional nail technician Hang Nguyen (aka @TheHangEdit).


  • 注册时间2025-3-11 14:07
  • 最后访问2025-3-11 14:07
  • 上次活动时间2025-3-11 14:07
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