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This post will show you how to use OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 to perform the mileage recalibration function on the Renault Delphi DCM3.4 engine ECU.
The tools we need:
X300 Classic G3
High-power DC regulated power supply
Main cable
ECU clone jumper
P004 adapter
Renault Delphi DCM3.4 engine ECU
Before proceeding, you need to upgrade the software to the latest version.
Open [ODO Meter], and in the top right corner, enter a keyword to select quickly.
Then we click [RENAULT/DACIA] >> [RENAULT/DACIA V41.16] >> [ECM] >> [RENAULT] >> [DELPHI] >> [DCM3.4]
Open the [Guide] section and carefully read the menu description and special note.
First, open the P004 adapter and check the [ECU Info.]
Check [Mlieage Read]
Tap [Mileage Calibration] and input the mileage as you need.
Mileage repair successful.
According to the prompt, we need to unplug one IG(ignition) wire and wait one minute before reconnecting it.
Video guides: