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OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo

已有 33 次阅读2025-2-26 03:24 | obdstar-mt203 分享到微信

Today we'll demonstrate the function of OBDSTAR MT203 CAN Driver/Gateway Simulator. OBDSTAR MT203 allows us to diagnose modules individually on a workbench, eliminating the need to connect to the original vehicle gateway or reinstall the module back into the vehicle. It is versatile and can handle multiple ECUs, perform diagnostics, and read fault codes.

Kia Sorento Instrument Gateway Simulation

Connect the power supply and the ECU, and then connect the Bluetooth connector.

There are gateway and CAN drive functions on OBDSTAR MT203.
The gateway function supports automatic scanning of standard CAN and fault-tolerant CAN. But does not support automatic identification of CAN FD. Users can manually select standard CAN, fault-tolerant CAN, CAN FD, etc.

Common baud rates are available for quick selection. If don't have one, the custom baud rates can be set. The diagnostic tool defaults to 500K.

This 2020 Kia Sorento instrument uses the CAN FD protocol.
So find the protocol and select 2M baud rate.
The cycling of the 3 dots indicates a successful simulation.

You can now use diagnostic tools like LAUNCH X431 to read ECU information and fault codes, enabling off-vehicle module diagnostics.

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-1

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-2

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-3

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-4

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-5

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-6

Mitsubishi airbag ECU Gateway Simulation
The Mitsubishi airbag ECU uses fault-tolerant CAN, which can be manually selected or automatically recognized.
Press "ENT" to scan automatically, and the scanned ECU is 83K.
The cycling of the 3 dots indicates a successful simulation.

You can now use the diagnostic tool to diagnose the airbag and read fault codes, etc.

If the automatic identification fails, manually select fault-tolerant CAN and choose from common baud rates.
If don't match, select custom settings while keeping the diagnostic tool at 500K, and setting the ECU to 83K.
Press "ENT" and proceed to read fault codes for module diagnosis.

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-7

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-8

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-9

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-10

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-11

CAN Drive Function
Besides gateway simulation, there's also a CAN drive function to test common modules like gear lever, radio, air conditioning, and EBA system.

This function works in conjunction with the OBDSTAR app where communication definitions for these modules can be found.

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-12

OBDSTAR MT203 Geteway Simulation & CAN Drive Function Demo_图1-13








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