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老美看大选; 为什么罗姆尼会败选?

热度 12已有 7892 次阅读2012-9-20 22:36 |个人分类:老美看美国|系统分类:杂谈| 罗杰 分享到微信

老美看大选; 为什么罗姆尼会败选?

/老美罗杰   翻译/丹奇





罗姆尼赢不了。他不能赢! 虽然我相信他是一个了不起的父亲,丈夫和邻居。他的政治和公共形象很糟糕很软弱。 他的立场自从1994年开始已经多次改变。那年他在麻州与爱德华肯尼迪竞选参议员。1994年罗姆尼说他支持妇女获取合法堕胎的生育选择权。但是,现在,他“支持生命”反对堕胎。他过去声明过他比肯尼迪更多为“自由派”, 他那时支持同性恋权利,支持同性恋结婚。现在,他不支持了。


在他自己的税表问题上,他只提供了两年的税表。其他候选人提供了至少6年税表。总统奥巴马提供了10年的! 他的副总统搭档保尔莱恩, 为了这个副总统职位,不得不向罗姆尼竞选总部提供了多于2年的税表进行调查。所以,罗姆尼的问题是你可以要你的副手搭档提供更多的税表,你怎么想美国人民是否有权也这么要求呢?






罗姆尼和莱恩先生说,他们为美国做了一个计划---但是,我们不能知道这个计划,必须等到他们当选之后。照这么说,某种程度上,听起来就像一个卖旧车的销售员跟我说,(那车多少钱? 哦,你要在我答应买车后才告诉我?)这根本就不公平吗。这就有点像去面谈一份工作,你想知道你的工资和福利待遇是多少,但是你的雇主告诉你,“别担心,只要来上班就可以了,你会喜欢的!”






我们的选民将选择我们未来的领袖。我要为留住我们现有的这个总统投票。他虽然不完美,但我相信他说的:他将会竭尽全力为所有的美国人服务。至于羅姆尼先生我真的不知道他的主张,似乎会定期更改。我不喜欢他不给美国人民审查他至少 5 年的报税表。对于他说要奉行的政策,有些方面我并不喜欢他的立场 (考虑到他以前支持过另一方)。我认为大多数的美国人选举日会同意我的选择,奧巴馬总统将会赢得第二个任期。


Why Mitt Romney Will Lose


By John Milton, 9/18/2012


The Presidential election is less than 60 days away – and while the polls show a close race the outcome is more assured than the numbers suggest.

Mitt Romney will not win. He can not win. Why? Although I’m sure he is a wonderful father, husband and neighbor his politics and public persona are wrong and weak. He has changed his positions many times since 1994 when he tried to beat Senator Edward Kennedy in the Massachussets Senate race in that same year. In 1994 Romney said he was “pro choice” for womens reproductive choices to get a legal abortion. But, now he is “pro life”.  He stated back then that he was more “liberal” than Kennedy was. That he was more “pro gay rights” and he was for “gay marriage”. Now, he’s not.

On his own Taxes he has only put forth 2 years while other candidates have put forth at least 6 years, and President Obama has put out 10 years ! His own Vice President running mate, Paul Ryan, had to provide the Romney campaign more than 2 years of tax returns to be vetted for the job as Vice President. So, the question for Romney is – you’re ok that you can ask more from Paul Ryan than what you think the American people deserve?

Mr. Romney’s policies for America won’t work – all he has done is refabricate the old useless policies the GOP has used for the past 30 years since Reagan became President.

I get the feeling that Romney wants to be President because he thinks he is “entitled” to it. He just wants to be President. I don’t see in him a “passion” or “drive” to change the world. It appears he just wants to maintain the status quo and keep things the same or better for the hyper wealthy.

Mr. Romney, and Mr. Ryan, say they have a “plan” for America – but we don’t get to know what it is until AFTER they are elected. Now, for some reason that sounds like a used car salesman to me ( how much is that car? Oh, you’ll tell me after I say I want it?)? That doesn’t seem fair. It’s a little bit like interviewing for a job and you want to know your salary and benefits package but your employer says to you “don’t worry about it, just come to work and you’ll like it .

Mr. Romney and Ryan have lied about what the Presidents policies are. Now, I understand “spin” but there is a difference between putting a “spin” on something and an outright lie. Romney is lying. I can’t trust the man.

The great thing about America is voting for President. Each side has a campaign and it’s basically set up for them to be  “interviewed” by the America people for months and months while the voters make up their mind who they want to “hire” for this highest of positions in the entire world, a person we will trust the next 4 years to for our economics, policy, safety and security.

We as voters will choose our next leader. I vote to keep the one we already have. He’s not perfect but I do believe him when he says he will do  his best for ALL Americans. As for Mr. Romney I really don’t know what he stands for, it seems to change regularly. I don’t like that he won’t put at least 5 years of tax returns out for American review. Of some of the policies he has said he would pursue I don’t like his stand ( considering that he use to support the other side ). I think a majority of Americans will agree  with me on election day and President Obama will earn a second term.

read more: 老美看大选: 罗姆尼为啥会败选?-老美罗杰的日志-天使岛








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回复 葡妈妈 2012-9-21 00:03
看你写的博还是奥巴马能胜了   你开网站了,我去看了。


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