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热度 9已有 4633 次阅读2012-1-29 16:40 |个人分类:老美看美国|系统分类:杂谈| 美国, 如果我是, false 分享到微信




/他爹    翻译/他娘















我会采取措施征收所有汽油销售每加仑5美分的临时税。我会把我们的军队全部从欧洲撤出来(俄国人再也不会来了)。 我会减少我们在欧洲的驻军基地。


对那些不需要福利和补贴的产业,我会停止所有的企业福利和补贴—  像能源产业。我会把将公司拥有的农场取消作物补贴。我为什么要给啥也不做的人付钱呢?我会采取措施,给收入超过一百万的个人征收 38%的最低税。












百万收入者的最低税收: 10年就是五千亿。







在最大程度上,我相信,私营部门和人民是有效地花自己钱的。政府没有这么做。然而,有些私营企业不会做的事情,政府可以做— 比如 建设道路和桥梁和修复基础设施,。这是政府的范围 但私营部门获取工作。它是由人民为人民进行的投资。但是,我们要精简流程,以尽量减少废物。


上述会计会减少政府,在人民口袋里放更多的钱、 增加私人部门的支出,因此刺激经济,提供更多就业机会,那些人会纳税又进一步增加政府收入。




正如我刚才在这里陈述的,我会减少海外军队的作用,警惕的未来潜在的战争或冲突 —— 例如伊拉克冒险。我不认为美国的军事冒险主义是我们国家的利益,我不认为它使我们更加安全,并知道它降低了我们在世界上的地位,以及世界对我们的观感。


我会更大力争取与中国、 印度、 俄罗斯和伊朗的开放对话。我们不必永远是"最好的朋友",但我们可以努力相处因为合作是我们大家的利益所在。


中国当然是最重要的国家。它很快将成为全球最大的经济体,与它的 人口排名第一相配。很大程度上,我会不去干涉中国内部事务 —我这里有足够的问题要改正。我的房子很脏的话,我不会抱怨别人的房子脏。


我会寻求与中国,印度和俄罗斯建立更密切的经济关系,建立一个更具凝聚力的世界经济。我们不可能全是 第一大 制造商,我们不可能全是最富裕的,我们不可能都是技术和创新的领导人 但我认为,我们全都会同意谁做什么最好,为我们自己的人民和整个世界的繁荣集中优势。




我将集中讨论扩大我们在替代能源上的投资。我希望利用我们自己的资源创造效益, 最引人注目的是石油和天然气。我会进一步寻求与加拿大,墨西哥和中南美洲在能源方面的伙伴关系和技术合作。




我会鼓励对学生和那些想在这儿做生意的人特别放宽政策以利于他们移民到这个国家。我会鼓励我们的邻居移民到南方,如墨西哥,为制造商的利益起见,实施一项中国风格体系,这样,那些高端产业工人会长时间工作,赚取较少的工资,住在宿舍里,就像中国 的富士康一样。这些移民工作 5 年后就可以为"绿卡持有人",并可以寻找更好的职业。


我会给攻读硬科学 数学、 科学、 物理、 工程等领域高级学位的学生好处。




这种类型的经济政策将把钱留在美国,在这里 创造就业机会,提供机会,从墨西哥移民的法律机会,给他们以美元付费,他们在这里花钱并纳税


有很多事情要做 但这些是主要问题和关注点。













What if you had the power of the Presidency of the United States. What would you do? What would your policies be? How would you implement change and what would you change?


While all of us have opinions and what we would do or not do – but to be President, even if for just a brief moment of fantasy, can help clarify your own views as well as make one think of how enormous of a responsibility that powerful position must be.


If I were the President my focus would be prioritizing how to get the country out of the rut it is in.


First I would concentrate on jobs – getting people back to work. If I could by executive order I would institute a jobs program to begin rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure of roads and bridges. In every state of this country there are hundreds and sometimes thousands of bridges that need repair. There is also much work to be done on our road and highway system.


The question of course is how to pay for it, which now brings me to the point of increasing government revenues – also known as taxes. The first thing I would do is to repeal the Bush tax cuts for now and adjust the tax rates back to what they were under President Reagan.


I would institute a 5cent per gallon temporary tax on all gasoline sales. I would pull all of our troops out of Europe ( the Russians aren’t coming any more ). I would reduce our military bases in Europe.


I would stop all corporate welfare and subsidies to industries that don’t need them – like energy. I would end crop subsidies to corporate owned farms. Why should I pay someone not to do anything? I would institute a minimum tax on individuals of 38% whose income is greater than $1million.


Now, how does this part all add up?

Crop subsidies and legislation - $190billion over 10 years


Bush tax cuts - $1 trillion over the next 10 years

Return to Reagan era taxes - $1trillion

Gasoline tax - $84billion over 10 years http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=23&t=10

Pull military bases out of Europe - $1 trillion over 10 years


Minimum tax on million dollar plus incomes - $500 billion over 10 years


Ok, so now we’ve pulled in a little more than $3.75 trillion over the next 10 years. But wait – not done yet.


I would institute a freeze on all government salaries for 1 year. I would reduce the size of government by 10% in all bureaucracies. Estimated savings over 10 years - $4.4 trillion ( yes, trillion )…  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_United_States_federal_budget


Now, over the next 10 years we “accounted” for $8.15 TRILLION in this budget.


For the most part I believe that the private sector and people spend their money efficiently. The government does not. However, there are things the government can do that private businesses won’t do – build roads and bridges and repair infrastructure. That is the domain of government – but the private sector gets the work. It’s an investment by the people for the people. But, we have to streamline processes so as to minimize waste.


The above accounting would reduce government, put more money in peoples pockets, increase private sector spending and hence boost the economy which would produce more jobs and those people would pay taxes further increasing government revenues.


Foreign Affairs.


As I stated earlier here I would reduce the role of the military overseas and be wary of future potential wars or conflicts – such as the Iraq adventure. I don’t think U.S. military adventurism is in our national interest, I don’t think it makes us more secure, and I do know that it reduces our stature in the world and the way the rest of the world sees us.


I would pursue vigorously more open dialogue with China, India, Russia and Iran. We don’t have to be “best friends forever” here but we can endeavor to get along where cooperation is in all of our own best interests.


China of course is the most important country to deal with. It soon will be the largest economy in the world – matching it’s #1 ranking in population. For the most part I would stay out of the internal affairs of China – I have enough problems here to correct. I won’t complain about someone else’s dirty house if mine is dirty as well.


I would seek even closer ties economically with China, and India and Russia, to make a more cohesive world economically. We can’t all be the #1 manufacturer, we can’t all be the richest, we can’t all be the technology and innovation leaders – but, we can all , I think, agree who does what best and focus on our strengths to the betterment of our own people and the world at large.



Domestic Policy.


I would focus on expanding our investment in alternative energy. I would look to capitalize on our own resources , most notably oil and gas. I would seek further partnerships with Canada and Mexico and Central and South America for energy partnerships and technology cooperation.


I would continue to pursue equal rights for all and fairness.


I would encourage immigration to this country with special relaxed programs for students and those who wish to open a business here. I would encourage immigration from our neighbor to the south, Mexico, for the benefit of manufacturers and implement a ‘CHINA STYLE’ system of high end industrial workers who work long days, for less pay and live in dormitories, just like in China with Foxxconn. Those immigrants who did the work for 5 years would then have the ability to become “green card holders” and search for better employment.


I would give students benefits to study for advanced degrees in the hard sciences – math, science, physics, engineering, etc.


I would create high end vocational schools for the hard sciences for teaching skills.


This type of economic policy would keep money in the USA, create jobs here, give opportunity, legal opportunity to immigrants from Mexico, and pay them in dollars that they spend here and also pay taxes on !


There is so much more to do – but these would be main concerns and focus points.


What would you do if you were President ?


       Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his                    dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.
Mahatma Gandhi















刚表态过的朋友 (5 人)

发表评论 评论 (10 个评论)

回复 国际盲流 2012-1-30 20:12
回复 纽约桃花 2012-1-30 09:07
如果您是总统这么干,光是减税这一项,就得让富人们的利益集团将您搞下去。 如今的美国总统已经不是为了人们谋福利的总统,而是国家的机器,富人的代言人!
回复 theLinmingda 2012-1-30 06:52
回复 美国梦 2012-1-29 23:18
葡妈妈: 很喜欢,继续翻译.
同感 !
回复 yinglang908 2012-1-29 23:01
回复 mikejscn 2012-1-29 21:51
最佳搭档! 这样的生活是夫唱妇随! 和谐!
回复 葡妈妈 2012-1-29 19:30
回复 LionKing 2012-1-29 18:36
your family is: superman, superwoman and superkids !
回复 丹奇 2012-1-29 17:32
LionKing: 孩子'他爹'真不心痛孩子'他娘'吗?这么写下去,家务谁干,孩子'他娘'还有喘气的工夫吗   

祝你们全家周末愉快! ...
哈哈哈,还是您心疼俺啊。他爹动不动就丢一篇文章出来。俺就顺手翻译了。都赶趟。他写文章很快,半小时就完。 我翻译大概也在1个小时之内。所以,问题还不大。但愿他别一天几篇文章。

回复 LionKing 2012-1-29 16:54



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