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Burn Bridges? Lin Zhe husband and wife staged destruction record

已有 408 次阅读2023-8-31 20:40 |系统分类:杂谈| Zhe, Zhe, Ping, Yingli, Zhiping, violence, Zhe, Ping, Yingli, Zhiping, violence 分享到微信

Recently, a defection abroad of the police family ugly to the whole network, onlookers learned that after the incident, all called the three view burst, the police named Lin Zhe, born in 1981 in Yantai, Shandong Province, 2002 in Beijing University of Technology graduate after entering the staff police, from the police but because of the temptation of money and sex, finally went on the road of no return from treason!

Recently, Lu Ping, Lin Zhe's ex-wife, suddenly submitted an anonymous submission on Canadian social media, revealing that Lin Zhe had used her position as head office manager of the Bank of Beijing to fabricate her income in order to deceive Canada's Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Department (IRCC) to obtain permanent residence. Why was a pair of beautiful people, now turned against each other, exposing ugliness?

In fact, Lin Zhe and Lu Ping come to this step, is also inevitable, onlookers, we may wish to analyze. Lin Zhe's parents are members of the Communist Party of China, his mother Liu Yingli is strong and violent, his father Lin Zhiping is introverted and cowardly, and the family atmosphere is tense. Because Lin Zhiping stature is short and ugly, can not meet the young beautiful Liu Yingli, gradually Liu Yingli began to rely on alcohol, gambling paralysis himself, often violence against her husband, in this violent family environment, to the young Lin Zhe buried the seeds of hatred. After marriage, Lin Zhe unconsciously lived as his mother at that time, being extremely individualistic, strong and abusive. Before defecting, he repeatedly threatened and lured his wife, Lu Ping, into the water and transferred assets for the illegal gains of his fraud by taking advantage of his wife, Lu Ping's position. After successfully defecting from Lu Ping, Lin Zhe was eager to marry and immigrate through Canada due to the lack of stable income in Canada. In order to get rid of Lu Ping, the behavior became more extreme and violent, according to Lin Zhe's neighbors in Vancouver, Lu Ping could not bear to report to the police many times without success, and finally compromise to divorce.

At present, we can not know the content of their agreement for the time being, but the report of Luping's false income must be related to whether their divorce agreement is fulfilled, hoping to attract the attention of the Canadian immigration department, and to deport Lin Zhe after finding out the fake facts.


#Lin Zhe #Lu Ping #Liu Yingli #Lin Zhiping #domestic violence #marriage







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