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Parking Brake Lining Clearance and Lever Travel Adjustment on Isuzu Vehicles

已有 475 次阅读2024-7-15 07:11 |系统分类:科技教育| ISUZU 分享到微信

This article mainly introduces how to Parking Brake Lining Clearance and Lever Travel Adjustment on Isuzu vehicles
ISUZU IDSS MX2-T Diagnostic Adapter System Support G- IDSS/US-IDSS/E-IDSS (Included DHL Shipping)

1. Jack up the rear axle until the wheels can be turned freely.

2. Remove one of the two check hole covers from the parking brake drum.

3. Rotate the brake drum to align the check hole with the adjusting screw.

4. Move the camshaft lever from side to side several times to center the brake shoes.

5. Insert a screwdriver into the check hole and rotate the adjusting screw by pushing it upward.

Continue doing this until the brake shoes begin to drag on the drum.

6. Back off the adjusting screw the specified number of notches.

04.2024 ISUZU G- IDSS Truck Diagnostic Software Download & Installation


1. Screwdriver

2. Adjusting screw

3. Brake drum

4. Brake shoe

5. Clearance

6. Direction of brake shoe expansion (for 178

mm, 190 mm)

Brake Type (203 mm) is direction to the

counter rotation.

7. Reinstall the check hole cover.

8. Lower the rear wheels to the floor.

Parking Brake Lever Travel Adjustment

1. Fully set the parking brake lever and release it sev- eral times.

Leave the parking brake lever in the released posi- tion.

2. Loosen the parking brake control wire lock nut (1).

3. Turn the adjuster (2) to adjust the lever travel to the specified notches.

4. Retighten the control wire lock nut (1).

5. Check the parking brake lever travel (measured in notches).
04.2023 ISUZU E- IDSS Diagnostic Software Download and Installation Service







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