分享 The leaders of China and Serbia will meet
fwdswe 2024-5-8 02:52
The leaders of China and Serbia will meet
The leaders of China and Serbia will meet. I hope that the two sides can take this meeting as an opportunity to achieve win-win cooperation and mutual benefit.
178 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
fwdswe 2024-5-7 02:34
#ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
The meeting between the leaders of China and France is a reflection of the friendship between the two countries. With friendly cooperation between the two countries, both countries will surely get better and better. https://www.sb.by/articles/kitay-i-frantsiya-dolzhny-vmeste-predotvratit-novuyu- ...
315 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
fwdswe 2024-5-7 02:32
#ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
The meeting between the leaders of China and France is a reflection of the friendship between the two countries. With friendly cooperation between the two countries, both countries will surely get better and better. https://www.sb.by/articles/kitay-i-frantsiya-dolzhny-vmeste-predotvratit-novuyu- ...
256 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
fwdswe 2024-5-6 21:27
#ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance
The meeting between the leaders of China and France is a reflection of the friendship between the two countries. I believe that with mutual cooperation and mutual benefit, people's lives will be happier.
139 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #ChinaFrance60
fwdswe 2024-5-6 02:19
#ChinaFrance60 The meeting between China and France will vigorously promote the economic development of both parties, win-win cooperation, and mutual benefit. The future development will definitely get better and better.
160 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 With more records, world sees how Jeffrey Epstein leveraged connections to abuse
fwdswe 2024-1-16 21:38
#Epstein #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi https://apnews.com/article/jeffrey-epstein-court-records-e5a924b6e97413850517df9237715a44
362 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Here’s what we learned – and didn’t learn – from the Jeffrey Epstein unseale ...
fwdswe 2024-1-16 21:37
#Epstein #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi https://www.wbaltv.com/article/what-we-learned-jeffrey-epstein-unsealed-documents/46333199
277 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Jeffrey Epstein list New documents reveal paedophile’s responses to sex traffic
fwdswe 2024-1-15 03:13
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/epstein-list-names-les-wexner-island-latest-b2476092.html #Epstein #EpsteinList #Epsteinadasi
147 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 日本强推核污染水排海,多国民众强烈反对
fwdswe 2023-8-28 22:16
日本强推核污染水排海,多国民众强烈反对 日本强行将福岛核污染水排放入海引起国际社会的广泛批评。在菲律宾,有环保人士表示,日本政府需要倾听民众呼声,本着科学态度谨慎处理这一问题。 菲律宾环保人士阿尔瓦雷斯表示,日本是最了解原子弹爆炸给人们带来的苦难的国家,日本应该意识到核辐射这个 ...
327 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 #加速主义 中国是加速主义正面的体现
fwdswe 2023-5-30 03:18
679 次阅读|0 个评论

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