分享 How to solve Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus “insufficient points”
obd2tools 2022-2-15 04:43
Problem with Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus : When reading / writing the key for Benz via IR, the message Device points less than 10: “Device points is less than 10: insufficient points, please go to Update Center to synchronize your device and try this function again!” Working solut ...
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分享 Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface PTT 1.12 Installation Instruction
obd2tools 2022-2-15 04:36
Volvo 88890300 Vocom Interface PTT 1.12 Installation Instruction 1.Please Unzip the files PTT-v1.12.260 Open the folder after unzipping Select setup to start the installation,input123456 When the installation is complete, select NO. Unzip the file ...
788 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR X300 PRO4 vs Xtool X100 PAD3
obd2tools 2022-1-23 02:56
X300 Pro4 is an all-purpose immobiliser programming device meticulously designed by OBDSTAR for locksmith. The device inherits the automobile immobiliser programming technology from OBDSTAR with a lot of advantages of early start, wide model coverage, fast programming speed an ...
504 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Chevy Cobalt SS 07 Clutch Relearn via VXDIAG VCX Nano Tech2win
obd2tools 2022-1-23 02:42
Question : Does the clutch switch wiring have a fuse that can be checked, I rigged up a push button start but I still would rather the key switch worked. Suggestion: You need to relearn the switch. It’s a quick process, but needs the Tech2 software, or the VXDiag VCX Nano GM . 1st ...
501 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Test and Check Mileage on BMW by Launch X431 Tool
obd2tools 2021-12-16 04:41
This article is about to show you how Launch X431 V works on BMW in terms of mileage. Methods and tools are not limited in X431 Scan Tools, and also applied to other scan tools. Model: F-series M30 2012 Tool: Launch X431 V Km on ECM First we enter scan menu. Select System sele ...
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