分享 OBDSTAR Motorcycle/E-Moto Update in December 2022
obd2tools 2023-2-8 00:11
OBDSTAR Motorcycle/E-Moto Update in December 2022: Related Product: OBDSTAR MS50 Motorcyecle Scanner Motorcycle Diagnostic Tool Obdstar MS80 Motorcycle Scanner Diagnostic Tool for Motorcycle/PWC/Snow mobile OBDSTAR iScan Harley Motorcycle Diagnostic Tool and Key Programmer Fu ...
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分享 JPRO Professional heavy duty truck scan tool Reviews
obd2tools 2023-1-31 07:27
The JPRO Professional heavy-duty scanning tool is incredibly user friendly and will help you to detect the issue quickly and efficiently. In this useful guide, we intend to delve deep into this advanced tool and review its key features and its pros and cons. You’ll also find the answer ...
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分享 Volvo TechTool 121 Error Code When ECU Programming Solution
obd2tools 2023-1-28 03:43
I connect Volvo Tech Tool to the truck and some of the ECUs are missing from the Product Status,what should I do? Here show you guide on how to solve Volvo Tech Tool product status ECUs missing. Solution: First ensure that the key is on, then check the batteries, connections and connec ...
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分享 Use KT200 to read and write BMW MSV70
obd2tools 2023-1-11 08:45
BMW MSV70 was killed by Kess v2 clone and low battery. But KT200 has no problem repairing this ecu. KTAG has no help because crc is now bad and ktag don’t save orig file with ecu configuration. The msv adapter used here is the same adapter as the ones from ktag. Foxf ...
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分享 encode via DTS Monaco and ECU Unlock
obd2tools 2023-1-3 02:42
Hello friends. today I will show you how to code through Monaco and open access to engine modules, automatic transmission or other modults through the seed. I showed you the same thing through the vediamo program, the link is in the descriptions. A lot of people asked to teach and show the encodin ...
334 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Setup Your microPod – Aftermarket
obd2tools 2022-12-25 00:08
For Aftermarket Users ONLY Introduction This article describes how to configure your microPod II device for use with Aftermarket wiTECH 2.0. This guide will cover: * How to Download and Install the VCI Setup Utility * How to use the VCI Setup Utility * How to update your microPod II ...
355 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Three common myths about remote diagnostics
obd2tools 2022-12-20 10:09
If you’re a part of the fleet management world there’s a good chance you’ve heard of remote diagnostics. While remote diagnostics have been growing in popularity the last few years, many still have their concerns. Below is a great article written by the folks at Noregon that breaks down three o ...
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分享 fix Launch X431 PAD reading the VIN code error
obd2tools 2022-12-19 11:32
When using the Launch X431 PAD, after entering the intelligent diagnosis function, the following error message will appear: “when downloading the software, the selected SMARTBOX serial number is different from the SMARTBOX serial number currently used. Please re-select the same serial numbe ...
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分享 Program Mini Cooper EWS3 Replacement by Autel IM508/IM608Pro
obd2tools 2022-12-14 04:59
Autel MaxiIM IM508 + XP400 Pro / IM608 Pro can support to read write Mini Cooper EWS3 module replacement. Follow the tutorial to learn how to do. Procedure Programmer Accept Chip(EEPROM, MCU, ECU) Chip read write Immobilizer BMW EWS3-Kline0D46J ...
290 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 when to use Pathfinder SDD or IDS on my Jaguar Land rover Range Rover
obd2tools 2022-12-3 09:50
How Do i know when to use Pathfinder SDD or IDS on my Jaguar Land rover Range Rover 1.The Pathfinder software It is the only unit that will be compatible with the Pathfinder software and all JLR vehicles with the new vehicle architectures found in 2018 and newer vehicles (from the Ra ...
294 次阅读|0 个评论

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