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VNCI 6154 Compatibility with ODIS-S 24 and ODIS-E 18

已有 235 次阅读2024-8-18 21:39 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

The VNCI 6154 red dongle has been tested and confirmed to work with both ODIS Service (ODIS-S) V24 and ODIS Engineering (ODIS-E) V18 software. Below are the key points and instructions for setting it up:

Setup and Compatibility:
  1. Required Software and Drivers:

    • Download and install the VNCI 6154 Manager driver version 2.5.
    • Update the firmware to version for proper functionality.
  2. Supported ODIS Versions:

    • ODIS Service: V24.0, V24.0.1, and V24.1.1.
    • ODIS Engineering: V18.0.0 and V18.1.0.
  3. System Requirements:

    • These versions of ODIS-S and ODIS-E are compatible only with Windows 10 and later.
    • Virtual Machines are not supported—install on a physical machine only.
  4. Installation Notes:

    • Disable any antivirus software during installation to avoid interference.
    • Add ODIS to the antivirus exceptions list to prevent future conflicts.
    • The VNCI 6154 red dongle is tested to work after a firmware upgrade, even though it is a Chinese clone.
Important Considerations:
  • Device Compatibility:

    • These ODIS versions are confirmed to work with original VAS6154 devices or compatible pass-through interfaces.
    • The red VNCI 6154 clone works fine after the necessary firmware update.
  • Vehicle Identification Changes:

    • Starting with ODIS V24, due to VAG's new protection system, automatic vehicle identification via VIN will not work offline.
    • Manual selection is required. Using Auto ID without proper VAG authentication will result in an error message.
User Reports:
  1. VNCI 6154 Success: Users have reported successful operation of the VNCI 6154 dongle with ODIS-S 24 and ODIS-E 18 on Windows 10, using the original drivers.
  2. Windows 11 Compatibility: Another user confirmed that ODIS 24.0.1 works well on Windows 11 Pro with the red VNCI 6154 dongle.
Other Devices:
  • VXDIAG VCX SE 6154: This device has also been tested with ODIS-S 24.0.1, with successful results. Ensure the latest driver updates are installed.
  • ODIS-S 24.1.1 has not yet been tested with VXDIAG VCX SE 6154.

Currently, ODIS-S V24 and ODIS-E V18 software are not publicly offered. This information is provided for reference and testing purposes only.







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