分享 NURVV raised 990 million yen to develop wearable devices
doctors 2020-2-20 06:00
NURVV, a biomechanical start-up launched at CES in 2020, will be led by sports and sports venture capital fund Hiro Capital and co-founder of game studio Ian Livingstone CBE (Ian Livingstone CBE). Cherry Freeman (Cherry Freeman), co-founder of LoveCraft, raised $9 million in first round investment ...
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分享 Why can't I treat the new coronavirus with flu medicine?
doctors 2020-2-20 05:59
The problem of new coronavirus infection is spreading around the world. Do many people realize that respiratory tract infections can cause fever and cough, and if the condition is serious, they will die? Maybe not too much. As a result, Kuhl, an active scientist and author of the free e-mail magazi ...
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分享 Five smartwatches for children are cheaper than Imoo
doctors 2020-2-8 03:09
Five children's smartwatches are cheaper than Imoo illustrations, CNN Jakarta, Indonesia-recently, many parents feel uneasy because their children want to use Imoo smartwatches. The reason is that this smartwatch is not cheap, its price is around 999000-3.2 million rupees. However, in addition ...
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