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It has become one of the best websites in the region

已有 468 次阅读2020-5-6 22:38 |系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信

But at this time, I found that on a Zhengzhou forum that I did not pay attention to, the number of friends who contacted me to do activities was increasing. it turned out that although this forum was not as big as several other forums, it was much less competitive at the same time. And because I posted on this forum for a long time and got the attention of the management of the forum, the forum set up a special section for me to be the moderator. After all, on the one hand, it increases the popularity of the forum, on the other hand, it also increases my business, which is a win-win situation. It is only in the smaller forums that they support me in this way, and the forums that are too big will not pay attention to me. In this way, I am not only more popular, but also more authoritative in organizing activities, and my career finally begins to progress bit by bit. Last year, the Zhengzhou Forum, which I often went to, finally became one of the top websites in the region. As a veteran member, I also got unprecedented respect, and the list I got began to grow rapidly every month. I often rank at the top of the list of the company's business. Later, I don't even have to go to the forum, just the accumulated connections can bring me countless customers.

A few months ago, I occasionally went to this forum again and found that the forum had changed. After reading the posts of other moderators, I knew that because the trees attracted the wind, the forum had been attacked and valuable data had been lost, and now I was starting all over again. With this forum accompanied by my career development and life development suffered such a heavy blow, I suddenly felt a little sad. Although I am very busy at work now, I still often go to this forum to irrigate water. With the coming Qixi Festival and the upcoming National Day, I can see that all kinds of encouraging activities are being done on the forum. Now is the time when the forum needs support most. If friends stay in the forum at this time, I believe they will certainly become the veterans of the forum in the future. In that case, no matter what kind of business you do, I believe it will be like a fish in water.

If the website wants to open popularity, then promotion is essential, there are many ways to promote the website, and the results are different. The ultimate goal of our promotion is to bring traffic to our website, some people are very successful, while others end up in failure, also website promotion, why is the gap so big? It is obvious that there are differences in the methods of promotion, which leads to different results. Although unreasonable website promotion can bring considerable traffic to our website in a period of time, as long as the promotion period is over, the site will basically be in a deserted state, and no one will be forced to shut down in the end. I gave this website promotion a unique name "suicide promotion".

When it comes to promotion can also be seen everywhere in real life, let me first tell you a relatively bad example of promotion that I have encountered in my life: like most office workers, I also take the bus to and from work. What is the most painful thing on the way to work? I think everyone will feel the same way, that is, the traffic lights and traffic jams without playing. As city commuters, 1/5 of our lives should be wasted on city buses.

It's a bit of an exaggeration. I hope you don't complain. But philosophy tells us that there are always two sides to things. On the one hand, traffic jams and traffic lights make some people suffer, while on the other hand, they let some people see opportunities. Yes, what I want to say is that those who post small advertisements will wait for opportunities in places where traffic jams are frequent. As soon as the red light stops, they start a unique promotion work, stuffing small cards into the doors and windows of those private cars very skillfully, expressionless but very sharp, no matter whether your driver agrees or not, they dare not look at the driver directly, because they are well aware of that. Would you feel comfortable if you were forced to give you some small advertisements when you were walking in the street? Just imagine if someone shoved it on you like this, would you take it seriously? Would you choose them even if his little ads happen to have what you need? The answer is no, because such a way of promotion will be boring, and very poor quality. So personally, I think a promotion like this is fundamentally a failure.







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