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Dynamic and static Analysis of Web pages

已有 545 次阅读2020-4-24 05:12 分享到微信

The display speed of static web pages is much faster than that of dynamic web pages, and static web pages are easier to be retrieved by search engines than dynamic web pages, so it is easier to get higher rankings. Static and dynamic content, so as to improve the access speed of the website, as well as conducive to the search engine search. For the functions that must be realized by dynamic web pages, the dynamic web pages are optimized, the access speed is improved, and it is easier to be searched by search engines.

page title (Title), description (Description) and keyword (Keyword) tags are the key elements for search engines to retrieve web pages. Too few tags, a waste of resources, tags are too long, easy to be seen by search engines as cheating. Reasonable arrangement of tag content, better organization and use of title, description and keyword tags will make enterprise websites in a leading position in the competition in the same industry. The realization of technology is the foundation of the whole website construction and the foundation that the website can be used by customers. Therefore, the technical solution is related to the success or failure of the website. A variety of technical means can be used in website construction. Technical solutions are not the best, only the most appropriate. According to the actual situation of the enterprise, determine the technical solution of the enterprise website, and find the most cost-effective solution for customers.

The principle of IA framework, from the point of view of website construction, information construction should follow the "user-centered", labor-saving principle, Web usability principle and economic principle. Its core content includes two levels from shallow to deep, one is "information accessibility", the other is "information understandability". Some scholars divide the elements of information construction into two categories: dominant and recessive. They believe that the dominant elements of IA are organization, navigation, identification, and retrieval systems, while the hidden elements are user experience and usability. The IA process based on user experience and usability is divided into four stages: goal planning, user analysis, design modeling and prototype testing. Chapter 1.

The practice of website IA has been discussed in foreign countries and Taiwan, and it is considered that "interaction", "visualization", "user-centered" and "information clear and easy to check" are its main features. They proposed the method and design steps of the website IA. It is considered that from the point of view of content, the methods of website IA include search records, website statistics, metadata and controlled vocabulary, and from the user's point of view, including determining user types, needs analysis, usability testing, ethnographic technology and IA testing. From the perspective of the application environment, including: defining goals, setting standards, understanding organizational policies, technology and human resources. With regard to the design steps of IA, they think that it should include: 1 research. 2Conceptual design. 3user testing. (4) repeat the design. (5) modify the feedback.







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