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Minimalist design can be well combined with responsive frameworks

已有 523 次阅读2020-4-24 04:58 分享到微信

On the one hand, now mobile users pay more attention to fast and convenient browsing experience, many websites will be mobile-based, first of all to find a way to meet the needs of small screen devices, but because the space of small screen is limited. Minimalist design is a better choice. Minimalist designs that can effectively handle small screens, not to mention large screens like pC. On the other hand, even if the design of the website is first oriented to the pC side, the process of making the site responsive or adapting it to the mobile side is simple, because minimalist sites usually have fewer and simpler elements.

Because minimalism requires fewer unnecessary elements, the number of white space in the site will increase, which is what we usually call white space or negative space. proper blanks not only help to highlight the core content and brand information of the website, but also improve the readability and readability of the website. This is because white space can be used for different blocks of content, clearly dividing different elements, and can also be used for word spacing in headings, text paragraphs, and menu bars, making the text easy to navigate and improve the reading experience.

The minimalist design style of the website is also often reflected in the navigation menu. Like other elements on the site, the menu bar should retain only the necessary option bars to help users quickly find the information they want and improve the user experience. Helpscout has also done a good job in this respect. There are only a few options on the main menu on the page, highlighting the most important information visitors want to know-products, prices, blogs. Other elements of the site, such as pages, instructions, etc., are included in more, and there is no redundancy in the site's navigation menu.

Minimalist websites often use solid colors, texture images and artistic typesetting, which will give users a sense of elegance and refinement, while minimalist beauty will make the site more personalized and contagious. Truthlabs is a good maroon, pure bright red is eye-catching, the slogan in the center of the page is short and powerful, the focus is prominent, and the visual experience is excellent.







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