分享 PCMTuner Problem & Solution: Activation+ Change Computer+ Smart Dongle Chip
utihakou 2022-5-15 22:15
We have about 8 thousand PCMTUNER users in short 2 months. We also get some user feedback about the pcmtuner activation and Smart Dongle quality problem. Here share the related common problems and solutions. PCMTuner activation Problem: It needs to offer email addr ...
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分享 2022-05-11
utihakou 2022-5-11 21:27
It has been confirmed that OBDSTART X300 DP Plus with P003 Adapter Kit can successfully read CONTINENTAL PCR2.1 IMMO DATA (CS, PINCODE, MAC VALUE). OBDSTAR P003 Adapter: P003 Kit can be used with OBDSTAR IMMO series tablets (X300 DP/Key Master DP, X300 Pro4 /K ...
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分享 2022 Fuel Injector Cleaners Comparison: Summary vs. Autool vs. Launch vs. Tektin
utihakou 2022-5-9 23:27
The injector cleaner works to clean and prevent the injector pinholes from burning residue. It also keeps the fuel system clean when used regularly. The immediate impact is that the car's performance increases as the combustion process are done more optimally. The average cost of a fuel injector cl ...
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分享 Suzuki Baleno Smart Key Programmed by Autel KM100
utihakou 2022-5-9 02:36
Have a 2018 SUZUKI Baleno. Successfully programmed two smart keys by Autel KM100 with VCI. First of all, connect the Autel VCI to the vehicle’s OBD2 port Then, go to KM100 main menu, select Settings VCI Manager to pair KM100 and VCI The VCI is paired OK, back to main menu ...
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分享 Autel KM100 User Manual: Key Generation/Cloning+ IMMO Pairing+ Key Adjustment (A
utihakou 2022-4-28 21:41
Autel MaxiIM KM100 has an Android based touch screen. With its own APP, you can perform key generation, key cloning, immobilize pairing, simulation, data processing and key adjustments. It’s an innovative tool that can help you take blank keys and generate keys for you and your customers ...
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分享 PCMTuner V1.25 ECU Data Processing Service Guide
utihakou 2022-4-27 21:28
Here shares pcmtuner 1.25 version guide: 1. There are two versions of pcmtuner software , and Pcm tuner version is different from Pcm flash version 2. EOBDTOOL engineers recommend updating pcmtuner tool to v1.25 only! DONT UPDATE PCMFLASH TO V1.25 FOR NOW!! Here shares PCMTuner ECU D ...
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分享 PCMTuner and ECU Bench Tool, Any Difference?
utihakou 2022-4-26 21:43
PCMTuner Magic Car Tool and ECUHELP ECU Bench Tool are both new ECU programmers coming out in 2022. With their own software, both not only can read and write ECU on bench without opening the ECU, but also supports virtual files/ecu tuning file downloading, DPF EGR REMOVE, DTC ...
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分享 Solution: PCMTuner Software Register Error ‘User Already Exists!’
utihakou 2022-4-25 21:33
Problem: I changed my computer, so I reinstall pcmtuner software on another laptop. I download everything again. But when I entered my Data, it said ‘User Already Exists!!’ and wouldn't let me log in... Does anybody know anything? @Dimitri Delaitre answer: The same thing ha ...
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分享 PCMTuner 1.24 Update: Adds New Function MPM Plug and Scanner
utihakou 2022-4-24 21:29
Good news!!! PCMtuner team has published the newest PCMtuner software V1.2.4. With this version, user can view SN and expiry date even if user account is inactive/expired/missing USB dongles, also can view the latest news, and the SN still can be seen in the pcmtuner software without plugging in th ...
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分享 OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Program NISSAN 2019 KICKS Proximity 22-Digit Rolling Code K
utihakou 2022-4-23 21:42
Confirmed! OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus can program proximity key to 2019 NISSAN KICKS 22-digit rolling code Pincode (Free code). Operation guide: Connect X300 DP Plus to the vehicle’s OBD2 port via the OBD cable Tap ‘DP’ on the X300 DP Plus tablet Agree on the disclaimer to enter ...
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