分享 PCMTuner Tuner-Box and VZ-performance Accounts User Guide
utihakou 2022-5-30 21:14
With your PCMTuner register email address and password, you can login tuner-box.com to create ticket support, and login Support. vz-performance to download VR files and many damaos, etc. Check how to use your account carefully. Video: tuner-box.com and Support. vz-performance a ...
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分享 How to Distinguish Genuine and Fake PCMTuner?
utihakou 2022-5-29 21:56
As PCMtuner Magic Car Tool is widely praised by users, we found that some bad merchants maliciously use the PCMTuner logo to make fake versions in the market. The counterfeit device does NOT have any functions of the genuine PCMtuner, it will cause misleading and loss to you. Check ...
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分享 Godiag Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper Connection Diagram for BENZ IMMO Programming
utihakou 2022-5-26 21:33
If you don’t have the professional cable (such as Xhorse EIS/ELV Test Line ) to do IMMO programming for Mercedes W164/W166/W204/W205/W222/W212/W221/ISM 7-G, the Godiag Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper is a good replacement. It can work well with GODIAG GT105 &nbs ...
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分享 What is GODIG Breakout Tricore Cable? Why Need to Have?
utihakou 2022-5-25 21:29
In the previous post, we use MPM, Godiag GT105 and Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper to read GM E38, E67 ECUs . It’s very easy and fast to operate. Some customers ask what specific function of the Full Protocol Obd2 Jumper is there. Today we will explain it carefully. Why need a Full Protocol OB ...
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分享 MPM and GODIAG GT105 Breakout Tricore OBD2 Read GM Engine ECU
utihakou 2022-5-24 21:54
MPM Has all GM protocols, OBD read ECM and TCM. All work in OBD, no need damaos for GM cars. It can work with GODIAG GT105 to read GM Engine ECU perfectly. All devices required: MPM ECU TCU Chip Tuning Programming Tool GODIAG GT105 OBDII Breakout Box Connection diagram ...
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分享 (Solved) PCMTuner Smart Dongle Cannot Work on Bench
utihakou 2022-5-23 21:12
Some customers asked why PCMTuner Magic Car Tool failed to work via bench mode. The PCMTuner Team has solved this problem now. You just need to replace transistors on your PCMTUNER ECU programmer yourself or by the local repair shop. The PCMTuner factory will add two transistors to ...
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分享 Is Autel MaxiSys Ultra Worth Buying?
utihakou 2022-5-22 21:25
I am shopping around for my first real scanner. I have had some cheaper ones but want to step up to a professional grade one. I am a DIY guy, but do a lot of work for family and friends. I am lucky enough to have a pretty good budget for this and I am currently leaning towards the Autel Maxi ...
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分享 Autel MaxiSys Ultra Customer Review: More Convenient Than Pico for Daily Scope T
utihakou 2022-5-19 20:57
I've been using the Autel Ultra for about a month now. So far I've been happy with the purchase. Would buy again. The scanner portion is very much like previous Autel offerings. Very similar offerings and performance. Like most other aftermarket scan tools, it has strengths ...
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分享 Which ECUs Read and Write Data by PCMTuner via OBD, Bench or Boot?
utihakou 2022-5-18 21:15
Recently, some customers gave feedback that they cannot find the relevant instruction and Pinout for their ECUs by PCMTuner Magic Car Tool (as shown in the figure 1). Some can work via OBD, but some cannot use via bench and boot. The ECU connection is correct, but still fail to ...
506 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 CG FC200 Clone BMW MEVD17.2.5 DME N13 Engine
utihakou 2022-5-17 21:07
Topic: Is it possible to clone BMW MEVD17.2.5 DME N13 Engine by CG FC200 ECU Programmer ? eobdtool.co.uk engineer has tested and confirmed it 100% working by FC200. Here is the related video: STEP 1: Read and backup original ECU data Open CG FC200 software In the main interfac ...
845 次阅读|0 个评论

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