Working with ACDP Module 13 , Yanhua ACDP makes the job simpler and faster to clone Audi VL381 (0AW) gearbox. The special interface board connection method replaces the traditional plugging wire method to prevent plug wire to opposite direction and wrong place. No soldering! No risk! https://ww ...
As we know, Autel recently adds new advanced functionalities (active test, special function, battery test and active test) to Autel 808 series tablet ( MK808 , MX808 MP808 , DS808 …)/ TS608 / IM508 on June 1st, 2022. It requires enough storage for downloading update to obtain all new software ...
There are three methods to calculate PINCODE on SUZUKI motorcycle to add keys or do all keys lost by OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus . Method 1: Load EEPROM to calculate 4-digit PIN Method 2: P001 Read key ID to calculate 4-digit PIN Method 3: Enter key ID to calculate 4-digit PIN https://www.yo ...
It has been tested that PCMTuner works perfectly on PASSAT B8 2.0 2015 EDC17C74 by bench mode. ECU info: PASSAT B8 2.0 2015 Diesel EDC17C74 Bosch number: 0281031066 There are 2 different pinout schemas for this Bosch EDC17C74 ECU. The detailed wiring diagram and opera ...
Hello PCMTuner User, if you use win7 pro and you can’t connect with our server,please donwload and install this two plugin from microsoft. WIN7 64bit: Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB3033929) WIN7 32bit: Security Update for Windows 7 (KB3033929) Supported Operat ...
OBDSTAR P50 with its own P004 adapter and jumper can reset airbag perfectly. Godiag Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper is a good replacement for the OBDSTAR P004 airbag reset kit. For the customer who has X300 DP Plus C Package which has airbag reset software, you can use an extra P00 ...
Lonsdor K518 with LKE Smart Key Emulator supports Toyota/Lexus smart key all lost via OBD no need connection from server. Before key emulator generation, you need to bind it to the K518 key programmer firstly. One LKE can only be bound to one device. Unable to unbind the LKE after binding it ...
Autel not only adds battery test and active test special functions on some Autel 808 series tablets on 1stJune, 2022, but also adds another new function "Digital Inspection", whichallows you to examine difficult-to-reach areas normally hiddenfrom sight, with the abil ...
Recent changes by Google may be preventing you from accessing Gmail on your MaxiSYS tablet (such as Autel Ultra , Elite II , MS906 , MS906S , MS906 Pro , MS906BT , MS908P , MS908s Pro …). So today we walk you through the 2-step process of generating a Gmail one time password and updating ...
Autel adds new function " Intelligent diagnostics " on MaxiSys Elite II . You can obtain new software package by tapping "Update" icon on your tablets. More details please see below: 1. What is the new function? Inteligent diagnostics function is highlighted in red in below picture. 2. Wh ...