分享 How to Get Rid of PCMTuner PCMFlash Update Message?
utihakou 2022-7-10 20:45
As we know, only PCMTuner software can be updated normally, but pcmflash software cannot be updated online directly, otherwise the device will be damaged. The PCMTuner newest software is V1.26, and the PCMflash current software is V1.20. Here share a method which is offered by PCMTuner user to ...
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分享 How to Quickly Search ECU Model and Wiring Diagram with PCMTuner?
utihakou 2022-7-8 03:28
It’s easy and fast to search ECU type and check the related wiring diagram in PCMTuner software. Make sure PCMTuner ECU programmer and USB Smart dongle are connected to the computer properly and the network is good. Tips guide: Open PCMtuner software Go to ECU Operations Vehi ...
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分享 Autel Software Update Service Flash Sale with Total Care Program Cards (25% Off)
utihakou 2022-7-8 03:27
For the customer who has Autel tool such as Autel IM508 /I M608 /IM600/ MK808 /MX808/ MS908P / MK908P /Elite/ Elite II , if the free software update expires, you can get the one year update service by using the Total Care Program Cards (TCP). It saves more money than before. The promotion valid ...
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分享 Buy PCMtuner Get Free Green Chiptuning Tokens from VZ-Performance Center
utihakou 2022-7-7 00:11
Great news!!! Purchase a complete set of PCMTuner device (PCMTUNER ECU programmer+ red smart dongle) or single green PCMTUNER Dongle can get 3 green tokens for free (The total value is €270.00, which can be seen from the VZ-Performance official website). Valid date is from June 28th to July ...
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分享 PCMTuner Common Problems and Solutions (Newest)
utihakou 2022-7-7 00:09
Here have collected the newest and complete common problems and solutions for PCMTuner Magic Car Tool . 1.PCMTuner file integrity violated Solution: It’s an anti-virus software problem etc. Just need to close the anti-virus software and reinstall PCMTuner software. https://mega ...
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分享 CONTINENTAL SIM2K-241 ECU Read with PCMTuner by BSL Mode
utihakou 2022-7-7 00:08
Question: Can I read this KIA ecu CONTINENTAL SIM2K-241 by BSL mode with PCMTuner TOOL ? Eobdtool.co.uk engineer replied: Yes. There are two TC versions listed by Dimsport . Try both. Pinout for boot mode BSL mode reading: Note: it also can be used fo ...
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分享 PCMTuner AUDI A43000 V6 TDI 233HP BOSCHE EDC16CP34 • MPC564 ECU
utihakou 2022-7-5 23:29
PCMTuner AUDI A43000 V6 TDI 233HP BOSCHE EDC16CP34 • MPC564 ECU Read and write steps: Use a universal cable connect the ECU to PCMtuner BENCH/BOOT port USB cable connect laptop and PCMTuner Power adapater connect PCMtuner for ensure power supply You can read and write the ECU Notice: d ...
839 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 HUMZOR NEXZSCAN NL300 User Guide: Comparison+ Device Bind+ How to Use
utihakou 2022-7-5 23:26
Humzor NEXZSCAN NL300 is a new innovative Bluetooth car fault code diagnostic tool. It is equipped with its own application-'NexzDAS' and supports 15 reset services (Oil/EPB/BMS/TPMS/SAS reset, DPF regeneration, etc.) to 97+ vehicle brands. Compared with Autel MaxiAP AP200, the advantage is that ...
771 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VXDIAG BENZ Xentry Diagnosis Error ‘No access authorization code’ Solution
utihakou 2022-7-4 21:07
Here share the solution to fix VXDIAG VCX SE BENZ / VXDIAG BENZ C6 2022.06 or older version XENTRY error ‘No access authorization code! Please contact the User Help Desk’. The steps: Go to Tool folder and open ‘ConfigAssist’ Wait a moment, the service is being started. Sel ...
897 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ps on PCMTUNER Honda CIVIC1800 MED17.9.3 ECU Read and Write
utihakou 2022-7-4 03:21
Tips on PCMTUNER Honda CIVIC1800 l-VT3C 141HP 2012-2018 MED17.9.3 ECU Read and Write STEP : 1 Read and write steps Use a universal cable connect the ECU to PCMtuner BENCH/BOOT port USB cable connect laptop and PCMtuner Power adapater connect PCMtuner for ensure power supply You can ...
715 次阅读|0 个评论

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