分享 How to Do All Keys Lost on Honda Accord 2020- by Autel IM608 Pro?
utihakou 2022-9-12 23:46
Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro perfectly makes a car key without original key to Honda Accord 2020- . No need Autel XP400 Pro ! Here is the tutorial: Connect the cable to the JVCI and the other end of the cable to the vehicle’s OBDII port Establish a Bluetooth connection to the JVCI on IM ...
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分享 Tesla Model 3 Airbag Reset Tool Recommended: OBDSTAR and Launch X431
utihakou 2022-9-7 20:56
Which tool is good for Tesla Model 3 airbag resetting on the market? Have any ideas? Eobdtool.co.uk engineer’ suggestion: OBDSTAR and Launch airbag reset tools are good choices with high quality. Such as OBDSTAR P50 , X300 DP Plus C Package Full Version , ODO Master Full Lau ...
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分享 2022 V1.27 PCMTuner Best Price at eobdtool.co.uk: Only 404 Euros (EU/UK Ship No
utihakou 2022-9-7 20:52
To celebrate the 13th anniversary of the launch of eobdtool.co.uk , all best-selling products are available at the lowest price . There are two methods to get V1.27 PCMTuner ECU programmer at the best price. One is to directly buy PCMTuner with 404 Euros (EU/UK Ship). The other one is to buy th ...
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分享 (Solved) Fetrotech Tool Software Crashing and Taskbar Disappearing Problem (Win1
utihakou 2022-9-6 20:37
For Fetrotech Tool software crashing and the taskbar disappearing problem on Win10 64 bit, eobdtool.co.uk engineer handles it urgently and gives the solution. Download and install ‘Win10x64 system’ and ‘one-click backup and restore tool’ to resolve the problem. Free download ‘Win ...
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分享 How to Solve KT200/KTM200 Network Connection, Computer Time Zone, Driver Install
utihakou 2022-9-5 20:58
When you use KT200/KTM200 to perform ECU maintenance chip tuning, DTC code removal on BOSCH, MAGNETI MARELLI, CONTINENTAL, Denso, DELCO, TEMIC or SIEMENS by bench, boot, BDM/JTAG and OBD mode, you’d better install KT200 software V22.08.20 on Win10 32/64bit with Intel i5, 5th generation above and ...
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分享 PCMTuner Fetrotech Tool and dFlash: What is the difference?
utihakou 2022-9-1 20:50
New PCMTuner plugin- PCMTuner dFlash is coming soon. It is specifically designed for PCR 2.x Simos8.x MED17 EDC17 MED9 ECUs reading and writing without disassembling the ECU, also supports free VR files, damos, free access to pcmtuner and VZ-performance. No annual fee required. Compared with Fetr ...
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分享 Yanhua ACDP Read/Write ISN and Clone BMW MSV80/MSD8X/MSV90 DME
utihakou 2022-9-1 20:42
The new release Mini ACDP Module 27 is specially designed for BMW E/F chassis MSV80, MSD80, MSD81, MSD85, MSD87, MSV90 DME ISN read/write and clone, no need to open the shell of DME or program the DME, quick operation via bench mode. Using the special interface board instead of the traditional ...
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分享 How to Solve Fetrotech Tool Installation Package Problem on Windows 10?
utihakou 2022-8-31 20:46
When you install Fetrotech Tool software with the installation package on Win10, there may be an error ‘There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.’ If you have this prob ...
340 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Autel MaxiCOM MK906PRO User Guide: Comparison+ Registration + Update
utihakou 2022-8-30 20:44
Autel MaxiCOM MK906PRO is an advanced wireless diagnostic tool which is updated from MS906TS, MS906BT, MS906PRO and MK908. It’s available with multi-language, supports onlineoffline ecu coding, all systems access active test and 36+ hot service functions for 99% brands in the market (covers ...
318 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Mitsubishi Outlander E6T70484 ECU Read by KT200 or PCMTuner: Both OK
utihakou 2022-8-29 21:05
Both KT200/KTM200 and PCMTuner Magic Car Tool support ECU data reading on Mitsubishi Outlander E6T70484. The difference is the operation mode. KT200 is in Tool Boot while PCMTuner is via OBD. ECU model: Mitsubishi Outlander 2006-2012 EVOX 1860A867 E6T70484 1.With KT2 ...
954 次阅读|0 个评论

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