分享 KT200/FoxFlash Read Write VW EDC16U31 on Bench
utihakou 2022-12-22 02:04
Both KT200 Full Version and Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool support VW EDC16U31 EEPROM reading and writing on bench. 1.KT200 read VW EDC16U31 with offline workstation on bench https://youtu.be/Dg-yOquCkAM The ECU models supported by KT200 can be checked from KT200 ECU Lis ...
471 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 KT200 Read Write ECU with Offline Workstation No Need Internet
utihakou 2022-12-20 20:47
KT200 Offline Workstation USB Dongle has been released at eobdtool.co.uk . It’s friendly for the outdoor ECU tuning where the internet is not accessible or the signal is too weak to connect, and can read write ECU /TCU via OBD/Bench/Boot/BDM/JTAG as perfectly as KT200 online version. &n ...
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分享 KT200 Software V2022.12.10 Installation Guide
utihakou 2022-12-19 20:43
The newest software of KT200 ECU programmer V2022.12.10 online update version has released now. Follow this guide to free download and install the software on Win7, Win8/8.1, Win10 or Win11. Free download KT200 software V2022.12.10: Link 1: https://mega.nz/file/1Xk2TZKR#fp5Z14ac ...
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分享 Autel IM508/IM608 (Pro) Common Problems and Solutions
utihakou 2022-12-18 21:19
Here have collected some common problems and solutions of Autel MaxiIM IM508 / IM508 Pro and IM608 / IM608 Pro . Main contents: IM508 IM608 tablet memory card identification failure IM508 IM608 tablet insufficient space of internal memory IM508 IM608 tablet software problems and b ...
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分享 How to Fix FoxFlash Software ‘Your computer is low on memory’ Error?
utihakou 2022-12-15 20:57
One customer used Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool to read and write his Mercedes- Benz TC1793 CRD3P.00. Read int flash successfully, but when he wrote int flash data with foxflash software, there was an error prompt appearing with the word ‘Your computer is low on memory.’ Eobdtool ...
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分享 GM SPS Service Program System 100% Works on Win10 64 Bit
utihakou 2022-12-15 20:44
GM SPS Service Program System is for sale at eobdtool.co.uk now. This is one year original online programming software for GM SPS Subscription, Ford Mazda Service Info and Chrysler TechAuthority. No need shipping with online activation. Works well with GM MDI2 , GM Tech2 , VXDIAG GM , and ot ...
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分享 How to Clone GUZZI MIU G4 Motorcycle ECM with OBDSTAR DC706 on bench?
utihakou 2022-12-14 20:49
OBDSTAR DC706 works well with GUZZI Marelli MIU G4 95640 Motorcycle ECM. It can read ECU info, read write EEPROM and reset ECU (Virgin) on bench without any issue. All device accessories required: OBDSTAR DC706 main unit Main cable OBDSTAR P004 adapter+ P004 Jumper 12V2A Charg ...
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分享 How to Solve FoxFlash SID309 OBD Password Unlock Stop Working?
utihakou 2022-12-13 20:41
Customer problem: I used Foxflash ecu programmer to do SID309 OBD password unlock stop at 57%. I waited for 20 minutes and nothing was happening. How to continue? eobdtool.co.uk engineer replied: When reading password via OBD (IN CAR), please ensure IMMO system does not be ...
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分享 OBDSTAR MT501 Bench Test Platform User Guide
utihakou 2022-12-11 20:56
This post comes with the user guide of OBDSTAR MT501 Bench Test Platform which is newly released at eobdtool.co.uk . Main Contents: What is OBDSTAR MT501? Why does OBDSTAR develop OBDSTAR MT501? What is the advanced function of OBDSTAR MT501? Which vehicles are supported b ...
915 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Programmer User Manual: Function+ Vehicle Coverage+ Operation
utihakou 2022-12-8 20:48
OBDSTAR DC706 is a new ECU programmer specially designed for vehicle ECM, TCM and body/other system for ECU flasher. It can read ECU info, R/W EEPROM/DFLASH/PFLASH/MAP, reset ECU (Virgin), calibrate mileage, read IMMO pincode, and do ECU recovery... It's all by OBD or bench mode and makes ECU clo ...
674 次阅读|0 个评论

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