分享 How to Fix Launch X431 VCI Bluetooth Connection and Firmware Update Failure Erro
utihakou 2023-10-11 20:51
How to fix Launch X431 VCI Bluetooth connection failed and firmware update failed problem? It can be resolved by pairing the device again and fixing the firmware. The solution applies to Launch X431 tablet with DBScar (V, VII) VCI connector, such as X431 V , V+ , PAD VII , PRO5 , ...
703 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus and Autel MaxiIM IM508S Function Comparison
utihakou 2023-10-10 20:46
What’s the difference between OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus and Autel MaxiIM IM508S ? Which one is better to use? In this post, we will compare them in these aspects incl. IMMO, MOTO IMMO, diagnostics, service, odometer, airbag reset, ECU flasher and more. 1.IMMO Comparison The structure menu i ...
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分享 How to Add Mercedes Benz W204 New Key with Launch X431 IMMO Elite?
utihakou 2023-10-9 20:46
Launch X431 IMMO Elite is able to add new keys and do all keys lost anti-theft key matching on Mercedes Benz W204 by calculating the password on the platform. Requirements: This function requires a network connection. Keep the network connected all the time. Connect X-431 IMMO Elite ...
846 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Foxflash Promotion in October 2023: Buy Device Get 4 Free Gifts
utihakou 2023-10-9 20:42
Foxflash ECU Chip Tuning Tool promotion at eobdtool.co.uk in October 2023: Buy foxflash with discount, and get 4 free gifts: Latest price: €675 Buy Now: €655 (3% off) Free gifts: Toyota/Lexus BDM Jtag Solder Free Adapter Two Pairs of FoxFlash Gloves Fetrotech ECU Cover Ext ...
715 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 Foxflash EDC17CP55 Land/Range Rover 3.0D SCR DPF EGR OFF Available
utihakou 2023-10-8 21:11
foxFlash ECU Programmer released the solution for Land Rover Range Rover Diesel 3.0D EDC17CP55 SCR DPF EGR on October. EDC17CP55 Land Rover Range Rover 3.0D October 02, 2023 Land Rover Range Rover 3.0D SCR DPF EGR OFF Available We are very happy to announce that we have updated ...
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分享 Autel MK808Z-BT Plus Godiag GT100+ Diagnose Audi/VW Simos 6.3/ Simos 18.3 ECU
utihakou 2023-10-7 20:59
How to use Autel MK808Z-BT to diagnose Audi/VW Simos 6.3/ Simos 18.3 ECU with Godiag GT100+ OBDII Breakout Box on bench? It’s easy and safe to operate. Check the detailed guide below. Autel MK808Z-BT with Godiag GT100+ Diagnose Audi Simos 6.3: https://youtu.be/_V6CGJnKUr4 1. ...
643 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Read/Write Citroen C4 Spacetourer MD1CS003 with Foxflash via OBD?
utihakou 2023-10-6 20:59
Is it possible to read/write Citroen C4 Spacetourer MD1CS003 ECU with Foxflash ECU Programmer via OBD? Here is the clue: 1.Before 2020 Bosch MD1CS003 BENCH! Try bench it, if locked, then no tool can do in the worldwide till now. 2.On the bench it works for sure. 3.Bench. Tested and is ...
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分享 Launch X431 IMMO Elite Erase Mercedes-Benz ISM Computer User Guide
utihakou 2023-9-27 21:18
Launch X431 IMMO Elite can erase ISM computer of Mercedes-Benz without any issue. It requires making sure the network is connected and removing the module from the vehicle to perform on the platform. Connect X431 IMMO Elite , X-prog3 programmer and DBScar VII properly Select IMMO Eu ...
584 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Program and Reset Mileage on BMW BDC IMMO via OBD with Yanhua Mini ACDP?
utihakou 2023-9-26 20:55
Is it possible to use Yanhua ACDP to program key and change mileage on BMW BDC module via OBD? The answer is YES! Yanhua Tech newly released Module 31 for BMW F chassis BDC IMMO key programming and mileage correction via OBD. Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 31 Features: 1. The ...
589 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VNCI MDI2 GMs Diagnostic Tool Works Well with GDS2/ Tech2win/DPS
utihakou 2023-9-25 21:01
It has been tested and verified by eobdtool.co.uk engineer that VNCI MDI2 GMs Diagnostic Interface 100% works with GDS2/ Tech2win/DPS Engineer Software. What is VNCI MDI2? http://blog.eobdtool.co.uk/what-is-vnci-mdi2-gms-diagnostic-interface/ Tested version: GDS2 2023.7.13 (N ...
703 次阅读|0 个评论

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