分享 How to Use Launch X431 Scanner to Disable BMW Adaptive Headlight?
utihakou 2024-2-1 20:50
Tutorial: How to use Launch X431 scanner to disable BMW adaptive headlight? Car model: BMW 2011 F10 520i Issue: Adaptive Headlights failure Solution: Use the Launch X431 scan tool to edit FA (change vehichle order) and disable BMW adaptive headlight. The tool ca ...
704 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lonsdor K518 Pro Program BMW BDC Key via OBD Guide
utihakou 2024-1-31 21:03
Lonsdor K518 PRO /K518 Series key programmers updated BMW BDC key programming via OBD on Jan.30th, 2024. Make programming easier faster! Let’s have a look at how to add a new BDC key to a BMW X2 with K518 Pro. * Direct add key BDC via OBD. If all keys lost, still need to remove to put ISN ...
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分享 Yanhua ACDP-2 Clone MPC56X Chip DME & TCU Guide
utihakou 2024-1-30 23:11
Topic: Is it possible to use Yanhua Mini ACDP2 to clone MPC56X Chip DME TCU on bench? Yes. Yanhua Tech has designed the module 32 to work with Mini ACDP-1/ACDP-2 for 32 K-line module clone. Yanhua ACDP Module 32 comes with BMW/JLR 6HP Interface board, Audi 6HP Port Inter ...
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分享 Launch i-TPMS Service Tool User Guide
utihakou 2024-1-29 21:00
What is Launch i-TPMS ? What’s the difference between it and Launch TSGUN TPMS ? How to use it? Need activation or not? If not respond or cannot work normally, how to solve it? This post will give you help. What is Launch i-TPMS Service Tool ? i-TPMS has the same functions as ...
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分享 How to Solve Foxflash “Detected Potential Use of An Unofficial Adapter” Error? .
utihakou 2024-1-28 21:44
Customer problem: When I opened foxflash manager after downloading and activation, it appeared an error message “Detected potential use of an unofficial adapter. Device protection enable”. eobdtool.co.uk engineer replied: Foxflash server detects you using an unofficial ada ...
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分享 OBDSTAR DC706 Read/Write FIAT BOSCH EDC16C8 ECM on Bench
utihakou 2024-1-25 20:55
Working with OBDSTAR P003 Bench/Boot Adapter , OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool can read and write EXT EEPROM, INT Flash and EXT Flash on FIAT BOSCH EDC16C8 ECM in bench mode. To perform the clone function successfully, you also need the ECU Clone Jumper, main cable and 12V power supply to work together. ...
703 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Synchronize and Exchange Yanhua Mini ACDP2 Data From iOS Mobile Phone to
utihakou 2024-1-24 20:52
How to synchronize and exchange Yanhua Mini ACDP2 data from iOS mobile phone to a PC? It can be done through the iTunes App. Here is the instruction: 1.Download iTunes App on your computer 2.After installation, connect iPhone and computer via USB cable 3.The phone icon will ap ...
373 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 IMMO Plus/Elite Generate and Program Key to Chevrolet
utihakou 2024-1-23 21:01
It’s easy and perfect to generate remote and program key to Chevrolet by Launch X431 IMMO Plus / IMMO Elite and X431 Key Programmer . With Launch X431 Key Programmer, you can read transponder remote frequency and generate remote on X431 IMMO Plus/Elite. It requires you to update the ...
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分享 Foxflash or Kess V3 Clone MINI/BMW EDC17C50 Engine ECU on Bench
utihakou 2024-1-22 21:18
Question: Which tool can read and write Mini/BMW EDC17C50 Engine ECU on bench? Here is the suggestion from eobdtool.co.uk engineer. Both foxflash ECU programmer and ALIENTECH Kess3 can do that. Two tools are able to read/write ECU/TCU via OBD, OBDvr, bench and boot mode. The ...
384 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Kess3 Clone EDC16U1 VW Golf 1 9TDI Engine Guide
utihakou 2024-1-21 21:03
How to clone EDC16U1 VW Golf 1 9TDI Engine ECU with ALIENTECH Kess3 ? There is the related connection diagram and operation guide in the Kess3 software, which makes you clone the ECU easier. Instruction: 1.Remove the ECU from the vehicle 2.Open the ECU being careful not to damag ...
586 次阅读|0 个评论

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