分享 What is GODIAG GT109 DOIP-ENET Cable?
utihakou 2024-4-11 20:59
GODIAG GT109 DOIP-ENET Cable is available at eobdtool.co.uk now. This newly released cable is designed for BMW, Benz, Volkswagen, Audi, Land Rover, Volvo, Geely, and other vehicles that support DOIP protocol/communication diagnosis, programming, and coding. As it’s equipped with vol ...
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分享 OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 vs DC706
utihakou 2024-4-10 20:50
Both OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 and OBDSTAR DC706 support ECU cloning, what is the difference between them? OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Key Programmer : X300 Classic G3 is a comprehensive key programmer that can programIMMO keys, testremote, R/ ...
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分享 VNCI 6516SZ Suzuki Software and Driver Install Guide
utihakou 2024-4-10 04:48
VNCI 6516SZ Suzuki diagnostic scanner is compatible with SDT-II OEM softwareand originalVCIdriver(no need 3rd party driver), and can replace the genuine MTS 6516 Suzuki diagnostic interface.It supports USB, WiFi and WLAN three connection methods, and ...
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分享 Xhorse Multi-Prog VS CG FC200
utihakou 2024-4-9 05:12
Xhorse Multi-Prog and CG FC200 are the best original ECU/TCU programmers under 1000 Euros. Both can read and write a wide range of ECUs, and also can read VAG MQB48 NEC35XX IMMO data and correct mileage, etc. Whatis the difference between them? Which one is better? We have ...
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分享 Common ECU Programming Tools Introduction
utihakou 2024-4-6 21:07
Here are some best ECU programmers for beginner. It is advisable to use the original tool to ensure non-infringement, quality assurance, and tech support. Alientech KESS V3 , CG FC200 , OBDSTAR DC706 , Launch X431 ECU TCU Programmer , Launch X431 X-Prog3 PC Adapter , ...
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分享 Lonsdor K518 Pro + Lonsdor KW100 Quick Generate Key for 2015 Lexus(AKL & wit
utihakou 2024-4-2 21:11
It has been thoroughly tested and confirmed that the Lonsdor KW100 Bluetooth Smart Key Generator can seamlessly integrate with the Lonsdor App on smartphones toquickly generate LT20 smart key for 2015 Lexus car when having original key or all keys are lost. ...
403 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What Autel Scanner Function Will Work after Subscription Ends?
utihakou 2024-4-1 20:54
Will Autel scanner stop working after subscription ends? Here eobdtool.co.uk collects the answers from Autel Official, and a popular Youtuber who tested the functions on Autel MaxiPRO MP808TS (its upgraded version is MP900TS ), MaxiCOM MK808Z , and the MaxiCOM MK808Z-BT & ...
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分享 2024 Newest CGDI K2: Support 96 Bit ID48 Copy No Need Tokens
utihakou 2024-3-31 21:06
CGDI newly releases a 2024 professional multi-functional smart locksmith key tool- CGDI K2 . It has the abilities to unlock/renew key, generate copy key, and copy 96 Bit ID48 no need tokens , no annual fee forever. It will be a good choice for locksmith, etc. ...
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分享 How to Read Password and Learn Key for 2019 Hyundai Tuscon AKL with Autel IM508S
utihakou 2024-3-28 23:46
Autel IM508S is a new generation key programming tool that can perform advanced key programming, key generation, backup/repair of anti-theft data and more. Here we carry out all the lost key commands for 2019 Hyundai Tuscon. Today we are working on a 2019 Hyundai Tuscon using the Autel MaxiIM I ...
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分享 How to Use Lonsdor APP for Lonsdor KW100?
utihakou 2024-3-27 23:47
Lonsdor KW100 Bluetooth Smart Key Generator is compatible with Lonsdor APP on Android/iOS smartphones to generate LT20 Remotes (LT20-01 to LT20-08) when all keys are lost and add new keys. Check the simple guide below to download and use the APP for KW100. 1.How to download L ...
382 次阅读|0 个评论

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