分享 How to Determine If BMW is CAS, FEM or BDC System?
utihakou 2024-12-6 05:35
How to Determine If BMW is CAS, FEM or BDC System?
Yanhua Mini ACDP - 2 with ACDP 2 BMW IMMO Package can support BMW CAS1-CAS4+/FEM/BDC key programming, mileage reset, clone and ISN read write. How to check if your BMW anti-theft system is CAS, FEM or BDC? Check the BMW carlist below carefully. BMW CAS/F ...
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分享 CGDI CG100X Update to V1.6.5.0 : Added MQB 5A and 5C Dashboard and Get Free Pro
utihakou 2024-12-4 21:05
CGDI CG100X Update to V1.6.5.0 : Added MQB 5A and 5C Dashboard and Get Free Pro
CGDI CG100X Programmer Newest Software V1.6.5.0 Update on November 30th, 2024. Free Download CG100X Smart Auto Repair Tool V1.6.5.0 CGDI CG100X new version V1.6.5.0 update details: 1. Added 8 chips to Programer. 2. Added 16 models to dashboard. 3. Added 17 models to airbag. 4. ...
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分享 Possible CG100 Prog III Repair VW MQB Cluster Mileage?
utihakou 2024-12-3 20:59
Possible CG100 Prog III Repair VW MQB Cluster Mileage?
Good news!!! CG100 Prog III can repair mileage for VW MQB D70F34XX DF0F35XX 5A clusters the same as CG100X now. It requires CG100 Special VW MQB Instrument Repair Adapter and D1 Adapter to work together. No need to cut wire orliftpins! &n ...
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分享 Lonsdor Newly Release LT30-02 TOYOTA 4A Universal Smart Key
utihakou 2024-12-2 20:55
Lonsdor Newly Release LT30-02 TOYOTA 4A Universal Smart Key
LONSDOR NEW RELEASE!!! LT30-02TOYOTA 4A UNIVERSAL SMART KEY Compatible devices: Lonsdor K518 Pro and other K518 key programmers Board number: 2561 0110 1320 2550 2000 Support Frequency : 312.09/314.35 Supported Models : Ca ...
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分享 Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG VAG Test Platform Program Keys Guide
utihakou 2024-12-1 21:00
Xhorse VVDI2 + GODIAG VAG Test Platform Program Keys Guide
GODIAG VAG Test Platforms (GT110+ GT111+ GT112) are specially designed for VW, Audi, Skoda, and Seat dashboards offline diagnosis, instrument IMMO data reading and writing, instrument mileage repair, key matching and other functions. All can work with HEX V2, VAGCOM VCDS 5053, VAS5054A, VAS6 ...
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分享 How to Fix Yanhua ACDP2 APP could not be Started Error?
utihakou 2024-11-28 20:44
How to Fix Yanhua ACDP2 APP could not be Started Error?
One customer gave feedback that he failed to install the Yanhua ACDP2 software on his computer. The system asked him to install .NET Framework. EOBDTOOL .co.uk engineer offered the solution below. It requires install the running environment. 1.Download ...
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分享 VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster Mileage Correction: Yanhua ACDP2 or CG100X?
utihakou 2024-11-27 21:01
VW MQB R7F7014xx 5D Cluster Mileage Correction: Yanhua ACDP2 or CG100X?
As titled, is it possible to use Yanhua Mini ACDP2 or CGDI CG100X Programmer to correct mileage on VW MQB R7F7014xx5D Cluster? The answer is YES . Yanhua Tech newly released the special interface board for MQB 5D cluster mileage correction, NO ...
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分享 How to Repair BMW FRM3 Footwell Module with CG100X/ CG100?
utihakou 2024-11-26 20:39
How to Repair BMW FRM3 Footwell Module with CG100X/ CG100?
How to use CG100 Prog III or CGDI CG100X Programmer to repair BMW FRM3Footwell module? Check the details below. The FRM3 Footwell Module is commonly found in the following vehicles: BMW: E81, E82, E84, E87, E89, E90, E91, E92, E93, E70, E71, E72 series. Mini: R ...
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分享 How to Reflash Autel Ultra/Autel Ultra Elite Firmware?
utihakou 2024-11-25 20:53
How to Reflash Autel Ultra/Autel Ultra Elite Firmware?
How to solve Autel MaxiSys Ultra , Ultra EV, or Ultra Lite Tabletif the diagnostic systemcrashes or the program freezes? You can perform a firmware reflash. Follow the step-by-step guide below. Preparation 1.Download the Flash Package: Free Download Link ...
68 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Solve Lonsdor K518 Pro 'Failed to Copy File' Problem?
utihakou 2024-11-24 20:51
How to Solve Lonsdor K518 Pro 'Failed to Copy File' Problem?
One customer gave feedback that he failed to update his Lonsdor K518 Pro Key Programmer . He checked the network was fine, and he tried many times but it still didn’t work, and received an error message “Failed to Copy File” shown in the figure below. Here is the solution from E ...
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